TfL's Restructuring and Staff Reductions Policy
Submitted by Admin on 5 September, 2011 - 18:25TfL's Restructuring and Staff Reductions Policy is attached. Click here to read RMT's view on this.
Policies of the various employers within the London Transport region, and agreements reached with the union
TfL's Restructuring and Staff Reductions Policy is attached. Click here to read RMT's view on this.
RMT General Grades Committee decision:
That we note the correspondence from London Underground, which unequivocally confirms that the company has finally accepted that Version 22a of the Stations Framework Agreement is the agreed Framework which applies to station staff and that its Version 24 has not been agreed and does not apply.
RMT General Grades Committee decision:
We note the report from our Regional Organiser on the ‘Restructuring and Staff Reductions Policy’.
As you are aware management attempted to impose Version 24 of the Stations Framework Agreement even though it had not been fully agreed or ratified by the RMT
At the Stations Functional Council meeting on Wednesday 8th June managenment agreed to withdraw version 24 and re-instate version 22A of the Framework Agreement.
RMT General Grades Committee decision:
That we note the report from our Regional Organiser and the recent discussion with our representatives. We accept our Regional Organiser’s recommendation that we accept the proposed machineries of negotiation for London Underground, both industrial relations and health & safety. We await clarification of the two issues raised with the company before signing our agreement.
We instruct the General Secretary, once agreement is signed, to advise all relevant branches and representatives, providing them with a copy of the documents.
RMT General Grades Committee decision:
That we note and endorse the report from our Regional Organiser.
We welcome the fact that London Underground has finally accepted that Version 22a of the Stations Framework Agreement is the agreed Framework which applies to station staff and that its Version 24 has not been agreed and does not apply. We particularly welcome the fact that management's attempt to worsen our members' working conditions - including requiring staff to work away from their rostered station in non-urgent situations, and allowing management to impose roster changes - have not succeeded.
We remain vigilant for further attempts by LU to impose these or similar attacks, and instruct our functional council representatives to oppose any such moves and alert the Regional Organiser.
London Underground and the trade unions have been discussing a new 'Machinery of Negotiation and Consultation' (the rules and structures under which management and unions talk to each other). This is called the 'Single Machinery' as it aims to create one set of rules following the return of Metronet to London Underground.
Click '1 attachment' / file name to view and download the latest draft. Please post your views using the 'comments' facility on this post (you will need to be logged in), or e-mail Janine.
The attached document summarises the differences between the policies of the former Metronet and the policies of London Underground. As Metronet is now part of London Underground, there will be a process to 'harmonise' these policies. By comparing them, we can see which are the best bits of each!
Thanks to Paul Jackson for compiling this document.
If management mistreat you, you have the right to complain! Here is LUL's Grievance Procedure - the text is below, and it is attached as a PDF file. Make sure you get the help and support of a union rep throughout the process.
LU Employee Relations
1st April 2010
Individual Grievance Procedure
London Underground - Individual Grievance Procedure
Issue date: [1st April 2010]
Effective: [1st April 2010]
This supersedes any previous version
Section A
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Scope