Company Policies and Agreements

Policies of the various employers within the London Transport region, and agreements reached with the union

RMT Guidance On LUL Drugs & Alcohol Policy

Following abuses by management of the drug and alcohol procedure, your RMT reps on the Trains Funcional Council have produced the attached guidance document for your attention.


Following recent abuses of the D & A procedure on the Piccadilly Line were drivers
have been routinely tested following a SPAD and in one instance where a driver was
tested for taking a train out of service, agreement has been reached at the Trains
Functional Council on February 10 th 2012. The Trains Functional Council agreed that

Health & Safety Reps: the 'Brown Book'

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download the 'Brown Book', which sets out the rights of health and safety representatives.

On a personal note, the reason that I have posted this today is that the 1977 regulations, which gave these rights to safety reps, were brought in by Labour Secretary of State for Employment Albert Booth, my uncle, who sadly died this morning.

Final Management Proposal for New Surplus and Loss Procedure in Station Ticket Offices-Comments Needed

As has been previously reported LU management have been consulting with RMT and TSSA on a proposed new Surplus and Loss Procedure

They have now given us a "Final Version" which they intend to implement shortly.As we have reported at each stage of this process RMT have put forward our proposals,some of which have been included in the New Procedure but most have been ignored.

We have been asked to give management our final comments/proposals on this procedure by the 11/10/2011.