Company Policies and Agreements

Policies of the various employers within the London Transport region, and agreements reached with the union

London Underground's guidance on attendance during adverse weather conditions

This is London Underground's guidance on attendance during adverse weather conditions, issued on 17 December 2009. It is posted here for your information, not because RMT agrees with it!


Guidance for attendance for all staff in London Underground following adverse weather conditions.

• Employees are required to make every effort to get to their place of work and must use (and be encouraged to use) every reasonable means to achieve this objective. It is their responsibility to get to work.

Guidance in the event of Industrial Action

Please note that this document is London Underground's policy not RMT's! We publish it here for information, not because we endorse it!

A key part of this document is in Section 2: 2. Staff Who Take Industrial Action Shifts lost through official industrial action will NOT count under the Attendance at Work procedure. Staff covered by the industrial action who do not attend for work and who are not sick or on leave should be recorded on SAP, as appropriate, under the code for Industrial Action Official.

Clip-On Sunglasses For Spectacle-Wearing Train Operators

This memo from London Underground management, dated 16 July 2009, outlines the arrangements for clip-on sunglasses for drivers who wear specs.

Reminder Of Arrangements For The Issue Of Clip-On Sunglasses To Spectacle-Wearing Train Operators

In 2002, in order to assist spectacle-wearing Train Operators to better manage glare whilst driving, the Trains Health and Safety Council endorsed the issue of clip-on sunglasses. Arrangements were put in place for those spectacle-wearing Train Operators who wanted them, to be issued with free made-to-measure clip-on sunglasses via the Department of Optometry at City University.

Swine Flu - London Underground's Guidance

Below is the company's (not the union's!) guidance on swine flu. Comments welcome!

Please find below our current response and actions you should take for staff that report sick with swine flu or flu like symptoms. This advice supersedes all previous advice with immediate effect. Please cascade this as necessary.

Employees that can prove that they had actual swine flu, and proof will be either a GP certificate or evidence of having been prescribed Tamiflu must be recorded as sick explanation accepted. This is strictly for those with proof. The SAP code for this is 160.

New Ticket Office Procedures Handbooks - We need your feedback

We have been negotiating with LUL on the new New Ticket Office Procedures Handbooks for over a year now and they have been introduced without due consideration to our comments and concerns. We have real fears that the original TOPH is being watered down to make it easier to reduce ticket office hours, close ticket offices and get rid of SAMF and SS jobs.

The 'Jobs for Life' Deal

Below is the text of the 'Jobs for Life' deal. This was an agreement made in 2001 between trade unions RMT and ASLEF, and employers London Underground Ltd, the PPP infracos and their subsidiaries. It followed strike action prompted by the impending imposition of the Public-Private Partnership.

The press coined the term 'Jobs for Life deal'. As you can see, it applies to all the above-named employers, and includes a guarantee of no compulsory redundancies.


Details of Settlement between London Underground and the Trades Unions

London Underground Ltd's Family Leave Guidelines

This document covers areas such as maternity and paternity leave, adoption leave, funeral leave, and other forms of leave additional to annual leave that you might need to take to meet your family responsibilities. The text is provided below, and you can click '1 attachment'/file name below to download the document as a PDF.



Harassment: Guidelines for Managers

These are guidelines for managers in what was then called London Transport, published in 2000. If you are involved in a harassment case, you may find it useful to look through this document to check that management are following their own guidelines.


Version 2 (24th October 2000) London Transport Harassment Procedure Guidance for Accredited Managers