Disabled people and members

Discrimination against disabled workers continues, and RMT is organising to oppose it

Mind the Pay Gaps!

RMT submitted the following comments to TfL / London Underground's consultation on its pay gap reports and plans.


RMT comments on TfL pay gap action plan (and associated reports)


The pay gap reports show that the persistence (and in some aspects, worsening) of pay disadvantage experienced by women, black, ethnic minority and disabled workers arises from two main areas:

Resolutions passed at RMT Disabled Members' Conference

Disability Confident Scheme

Conference acknowledges the principles of the UK Government’s Disability Confident Employer Scheme, to support and recognise businesses that are actively inclusive in their recruitment and retention practices. The scheme encourages employers to think differently about disability and take action to improve how they recruit, retain and develop disabled people.

TUC Disabled Workers statement on Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill and Elections Bill

TUC Disabled Workers’ Committee strongly opposes the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill.

The Bill includes new duties which oblige public services to share service users’ information with the police, which is an unacceptable shift away from a public health approach to an authoritarian approach, which will erode trust between public services and disabled people. 

Report: TUC Disabled Workers' Committee, 16 December 2021

- report by Janine Booth, RMT nominee on the Committee

Flexible working and reasonable adjustments

The TUC has been advocating what it calls ‘flexible working as a reasonable adjustment’ for disabled workers. What it means by this is the right of disabled workers to work from home or another location, with hours that suit our access needs.

Report: TUC Disabled Workers' Committee, 14 October 2021

This was the first full meeting of the committee elected in March. It elected Dave Allan as chair (a formality as he is the disabled workers’ representative on the TUC General Council); and Annie Galpin as co-chair.

Implementing Disabled Workers’ Conference decisions

TUC staff presented proposals for carrying out the policies passed by this year’s Disabled Workers’ Conference. As this took place seven months ago, they had started some of the work already. This includes:

Disabled People for Free Trade Unions: TUC Disabled Workers’ Conference Fringe Meeting 2022

These are the opening speeches from this event, held on Zoom on Tuesday 22 March 2022.


Sarah Woolley (General Secretary, Bakers’, Food and Allied Workers’ Union): Welcome to the joint RMT and Free Our Unions TUC Disabled Workers’ Conference fringe meeting.

RMT solidarity with Jason Moriarty

The RMT offers full support and solidarity with our comrade Jason Moriarty following his disclosure to his employer, London Underground, of a disability.

RMT London Transport region is organising to ensure that Brother Moriarty is defended and supported. Finsbury Park branch has passed a motion of support for Jason which is below, along with the National Executive Committees response.

TUC Disabled Workers Condemn P&O Sackings

The TUC's Disabled Members' Committee has made this statement:

Accessible public transport is essential for disabled people to participate in society on an equal and independent basis. To be genuinely accessible, public transport must be adequately staffed by workers with decent standards of training, pay, conditions and security of employment.

Disabled members conference 2022

15th December 2021


Dear Colleague,


I am pleased to inform you that, Covid restrictions permitting, the 2022 National Disabled Members’ Conference will take place in Manchester on Friday 8 April (commencing at 2pm) and Saturday 9 April (concluding by 4pm). The venue is the Mechanics Institute, 103 Princess Street, Manchester M1 6DD.

Report: TfL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Forum, 9 June

TfL Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Trade Union Engagement Forum, 9 June 2021

Report from Janine Booth (RMT)


After a long break, the Forum met on Teams on 9 June 2021. Janine Booth and Glen Hart attended on behalf of RMT. ASLEF, TSSA and Unite were also present, but other TfL unions were not. This forum is separate from the collective bargaining machinery, but more sharing of information between them would be helpful.