RMT Retired Members' meeting dates 2020
RMT LT Retired Branch meets at Unity House on the following dates:
RMT is against age discrimination
RMT LT Retired Branch meets at Unity House on the following dates:
The RMT London Transport Retired Branch next meetings are:
Tuesday 7th May
Tuesday 2nd July
Tuesday 3rd September
Tuesday 5th November
All at Unity House from 14.00 to 16.00
London Transport Retired members branch meeting dates for 2018 are:
We note the resolution from our Hammersmith & City Branch; and endorse candidates Bro.Woods and Bro.Srikandarajah for the upcoming TfL Pension Consultative Committee elections.
Members to be advised by email and text.
All London Transport Branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.
Arrangements have been made for the 2017 National Retired Members Advisory Conference to take place on Thursday 20th April, commencing at 13:00 in the Concert Room, Doncaster Trades & Labour Club, Doncaster.
Your reps met again with the company on Wednesday (23/11/16), where we finally were given answers to some of the many questions we raised at the start of October. The discussions centred around the impact on our members, particulary the issues of pay, pensions and severence.
The following resolution has been received from the TfL No.1 Branch:
“TfL No. 1 Branch are concerned that as a result of TfL/LUL managements decision to award certain layers of staff with pay for performance pay increases, union members are seeing their future pension benefits eroded.
We request that the General Secretary carries out a proper investigation into this position as a matter of urgency so that future pay and conditions negotiations see pay increases linked to basic pay and not awards of one off lump sum payments.
In this Newsletter:
Fit For the Future – Stations will hit every stations worker with pay cuts, displacements, reduced work-life balance, etc. But its proposals will affect women, black and ethnic minority, LGBT, older, younger and disabled people in specific ways.
LU is obliged by law to assess what the impact on equalities groups will be. But LU has carried out a shabby and inadequate assessment. RMT and other unions’ reps have met LU about these issues in the last few weeks; management has revealed that it does not treat its obligation towards equalities groups seriously.