Further to my previous Circular (IR/303/14, 17th November 2014), members will recall that we advised the Company that a dispute situation existed over the mistreatment of staff and abuse of power by supervisors and management, non-payment of wages, and attacks on trade union reps and activists. The RMT Reps then commenced the task of checking and updating member’s details as necessary for a ballot for industrial action.
However, RMT Rep Clara Osagiede has now been dismissed from the Company and the following resolution was received from London Underground Engineering Branch:-
“This Branch is alarmed to hear of the dismissal of Cleaners Representative Clara Osagiede on what we believe are clearly due to her trade union activities. We therefore call upon the General Grades Committee to provide her full legal support to get her fully reinstated back to her job.
Furthermore, we ask the GGC to organise a fightback against Interserve against the following issues:-
- Pay and Travel facilities
- Mistreatment of Staff
- Victimisation of Union Reps, most notably Clara Osagiede and Alex Boachie
- Proceed with a ballot for strike action of all our members on Interserve
- Fully fund a recruitment campaign in the cleaning grades from Head Office
- Embark on a political campaign through the Parliamentary Representation Group to reinstate Clara
- Fully financial support Clara until her Employment Tribunal is heard or her Interim Relief Claim is successful.”
The General Grades Committee has considered this matter and taken the decision to proceed with a ballot of all our members at Interserve on LUL. Furthermore to fund a recruitment campaign in the cleaning grades, to embark on a political campaign through the Parliamentary Representation Group to reinstate Clara and refer the matter of financial assistance to the Council of Executives.
We will also be requesting an urgent meeting with Interserve to discuss their appalling record on industrial relations across all their contracts in the railway industry and I will keep you informed of all further developments.
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