LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Trains Grade Meeting

  • Meeting dates are subject to change of date and time. Please speak to a rep or branch officer to confirm details before attending.

Train Grades is held monthly on the last Thursday of the month on Zoom. Please ask your local rep for the link. Train Grades is a regular meeting for reps, activists and all members to debate issues related to our grade, to report on local issues and to hear reports and ask questions of train functional reps.

All RMT drivers are welcomed and encouraged to attend and to help your union formulate policy and build campaigns.

Upgrade News September 2020

Upgrade News has all the latest information on the 4LM upgrade for London Underground drivers.

In this edition:

  • Signal Migration Areas Update
  • Training for SMA 3
  • RMT: All Grades United For Safety
  • CBTC new route training 
  • Service Control comms to T/Ops when change of braking capacity
  • New seat cushion trial

Please download the newsletter to read it and display it in your 4LM depot.

Trains H&S update: maintain social distancing

- This update is taken from the attached notice. Please print it out and display it in your depot.


Members should be congratulated on the major efforts that have made to work through the coronavirus pandemic. It’s been a very long 8 months since it all began and is a tribute to all who have adapted to social distancing measures.

Jubilee News September 2020

Jubilee News is written for train operators on the Jubilee Line by RMT activists.

In this edition:

- Tube review threat to train operators
- KPMG report concluded
- Night Tube Update
- Always take a rep.

Please download the attached newsletter to read it.

As Coronavirus crisis rages on, Tory prime minister calls for driverless tube trains

RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary Mick Lynch said;

"It is outrageous for Boris Johnson to wheel out the dangerous nonsense of driverless trains as a condition of the emergency Covid-19 funding of Transport for London. This is the sort of cheap political stunt that was a hallmark of his time as Mayor and we would have hoped he would have grown up by now.