LUL Trains

News, reports and information for London Underground train drivers


Upfront Newsletter July 2021 Strike Special

  • Please download the attached newsletter and display it in your depot.


The RMT has announced strike dates in our dispute over the abolition of the Night Tube grade. RMT demanded LUL pause their attack on our members jobs and work life balance but it has unfortunately fallen on deaf ears.

A packed meeting of driver reps and members agreed that the only option now is to name industrial action to bring LU management to their senses.

RMT announce strike dates over LUL plan to abolish Night Tube grade

RMT to take strike action over London Underground plans to abolish Night Tube Train Drivers’ grade

TUBE UNION RMT said today that it will be taking strike action across the Tube network over plans by London Underground to abolish the Night Tube Train Drivers’ grade.

Following a solid vote for action late last month and subsequent talks that failed to resolve this issue RMT has instructed members as follows;

RMT raise track noise demands at meeting with Tube bosses

All RMT Health & Safety Reps on the Northern, Victoria, Central and Jubilee Lines today attended a conference to look at excessive track noise on these line. A selection of managers and dedicated track personnel were in attendance.

- read the attached newsletter to get the full story. You can also downloads print and distribute it in your train crew accomodation.

RMT Upfront Health And Safety - June 2021

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground train drivers, produced by the RMT activists.

This edition focuses on health & safety issues:

  • ‘Flash n Dash’ Plan Rehashed?
  • Secure Cabs

Please download the attached newsletter to read more, and print, display and distribute it in your train crew accommodation.

Jubilee South branch meeting: organise to fight the proposed cuts

Jubilee South branch meeting is taking place on Zoom, Wednesday 30th of June at 4pm. These branch meetings take place each pay day at the same time.

London Underground has started talking about their plans to make cuts, and we need to get ready as a union to fight back and defend our jobs, pensions and conditions.

Jubilee South News, attached, has info for Tube workers. Please distribute it in your Jubilee South branch area and come along to the meeting and encourage others to join you too.

The fight back starts here!

RMT Upfront June 2021

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for train drivers on London Underground, from RMT train driver activists.

This edition focusses on two upcoming ballots in our grade, one to defend rep Gary Carney and the other to fight back against London Underground bosses threat to increase weekend and night working for train drivers.

- Please download the attached newsletter and distribute in your train crew accomodation.

RMT to fight Night Tube job cuts plan and attack on conditions

- RMT ready to fight London Underground plans to cut 200 Night Tube Jobs, and increase weekend and night work for full time drivers.

RMT to fight London Underground plans to abolish Night Tube Train Drivers grade.

TUBE UNION RMT said today that it will fight plans by London Underground to abolish the Night Tube Train Drivers grade – if necessary through a campaign of industrial action.