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It looks like LUL are going back on their promise after the RMT successfully defended RMT H&S rep Eamonn Lynch and former RMT rep Arwyn Thomas. Now they are trying to sack Gary Woolf - I.R. rep on the Tower Hill group
Gary was asked to attend the Managers Offices at Whitechapel. While on his way to the offices from the station, he slipped and badly strained his leg. Gary naturally went to the local hospital's A&E department to get his leg checked out, like any normal person would do. While he was waiting to be seen at the hospital, he called the DSM to let them know what was going on. The DSM then informed him that he had to come back, because they wanted to have him take a Drugs & Alcohol test. Gary struggled back to work but, as he was in so much pain, he found it impossible to give a urine sample. However, he passed the breathalyser test. For an hour Gary attempted to give a urine sample. In the meantime, no Ambulance or First Aider was called to check out Gary's leg, (Where was the Duty of Care?). When Gary's shift was over he informed the DSM that he was now going back the A&E to get his leg seen to. When Gary returned to work, he passed both parts of the D&A test.
Now management are trying to sack Gary for refusing to take part in the D&A test, even though Gary had proof from the hospital he had damage his leg, by straining it. We believe they are only doing this because he is a Rep. As an example, the RMT successfully defended another member who left work without taking part in any of the D&A test procedure, because of a family emergency and that member kept their job. Gary is now awaiting the result of his CDI and we hope common sense prevails and that he keeps his job.
If they start picking off our Reps, no one will be safe, all we are asking
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