What the Regional Council is doing to improve RMT organisation on London Transport, to recruit, retain and involve members
RMT Retired Members' meeting dates 2020
RMT LT Retired Branch meets at Unity House on the following dates:
Justice for Ezra
Submitted by jayeshjpatel on 2 January, 2020 - 17:47Justice for Ezra
Attached is a leaflet outlining the injustice Bakerloo Train Operator Ezra Christian is facing at the hands of a management who have no sense of the human effect of their actions. Whilst management woefully disregard agreements and commitments in order to push for the toughest penalties, they should be in no doubt that the union will defend its members in every way possible.
Disabled Workers - Know Your Rights week
Submitted by Janine on 16 November, 2018 - 11:27Sacked for Doing His Job - Warning to anyone who does LDIs
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 1 October, 2018 - 15:15Please print the attached notice and share with all members
Anthony Codd has worked for LUL for over 35 years. He was a n Operational grade Q1A Duty Manager working in the Track Access Control Centre (TACC) before being, what we believe, unfairly summarily dismissed at a CDI in August 2018.
An incident occurred back in January 2018, where a Track Access Controller (TAC) made an error that could have potentially endangered staff working on the track. This was, at the time, bought to the attention of Mr Codd who was the TACC Duty Manager on duty that night.
Open letter to our AG1’s
Submitted by Eamonn Lynch on 11 April, 2018 - 22:18Please download, print and distribute widely
Station Functional Newsletter - February 2018
Submitted by Eamonn Lynch on 16 February, 2018 - 16:26
Please download, print, display and distribute widely.
14 February 2018
East Ham Newsletter
Submitted by Lorna on 10 November, 2017 - 18:33Attached is the latest newsletter from East Ham Branch
Ballot leaflet - defend the London Bridge 3
Submitted by Eamonn Lynch on 18 May, 2017 - 16:35Please download, print, display and distribute the leaflet around your workplace.
London Bridge 3 Victimisation Dispute ALL LU STATIONS BALLOT STARTS NOW!
LTRC Training - Anti Trade Union laws 25/5/17 - 1300-1500
Submitted by Eamonn Lynch on 18 May, 2017 - 14:21London Transport Regional Council training day 25 May 1300-1500 at the 12 Pins Finsbury Park
New anti Trade Union laws came into effect this year and we need to train our reps and activists in how the new laws will affect our ballot results. Equally important is how we organise to overcome the hurdles set by the Government.
The course will be held at 12 Pins, Finsbury Park on May 25 1300 - 1700
To secure a place please contact Eamonn Lynch, Janine Booth or Petrit Mihaj.