Young members

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Your RMT Regional Council knows that involving and organising young members is crucial to securing the future of the union and making it more relevant in the workplace.<br>
Follow us on Twitter - <a href="!/RMTYoungMember">@rmtyoungmembers</a> and <a href="">Facebook</a>.

RMTv: Brussels Demonstration -Nationalisation Not Privatisation

Transport workers marched in Brussels on the first anniversary of the European Commission's Transport White Paper, which orders states to surrender transport networks to corporate interests.

The demonstration was attended by London Transport Regional Council members including Young Members.

Filmed and edited by Andrew Brattle.

RMT Young Members Education Weekend – To Mark And Celebrate The Life Of Jim Connell

From Dave Marshall - Organising Unit

As part of the years Educational events being organised for the Union’s Young Members we have received an invitation from our Irish Trade Union Brothers and Sisters for RMT Young Members to attend a weekend of educational and political activities to explore the life and celebrate the contribution the Irish Socialist and Trade Unionist Jim Connell (27 March 1852 – February 1929) made to our movement.

Unions Oppose TfL Attempt to Divide Equalities

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the documentation on file regarding TfL’s proposal to divide its Equality and Inclusion team into two parts, one for staff issues and one for service delivery. We endorse the objections that staff side have raised to this proposal. We further believe that this division inaccurately implies a significant difference between equalities issues facing workers and those facing passengers, whereas workers and passengers share similar a interest in an accessible, non-discriminatory transport system.

RMTV: Young Members Conference 2012

The RMT Young Members Conference took place last month. RMTv have produced a video of the event showing why it so important for young people within the union to get involved and how the conference both educates members on how to steer debate, and the way the conference can set the agenda and union policy.

RMT to Address Apprentice Representation

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that there has been an unsatisfactory situation for apprentices in London Underground Ltd’s Machinery of Negotiation since LUL arbitrarily allocated them to the MATS (managers, admin, technical, support) function rather than to service control.

We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that any outstanding issues with this are addressed during the forthcoming review of the Machinery of Negotiation.

London Transport Regional Council and branches with London Underground members to be advised.

Young Members Conference 2012

The young members' conference takes place in London from Thursday 23rd - Saturday 25th February. Branches are entitled to send four delegates per branch to this conference.

If there are motions you would like to have debated at conference please put them forward to your branch as soon as possible to have them included in the agenda.

RMT Young Members Visit Occupy St Paul's

The RMT Young Members Advisory Committee held on the 14th November 2011 put the following request to the Council of Executives:

That following visits by RMT Young members to the anti-capitalist protest camp located near St Pauls the committee unanimously agreed to ask for the following -

  1. That the RMT make public its principled support for those engaged in the protest situated at St Pauls
  2. That the RMT promote the ‘message’ of the protest across the union and wider trade union and Labour movement

RMT Young Members Conference 2012, London

The following resolution submitted by Central line West was carried unanimously at the November 24th Regional Council meeting.

This regional council notes the young member’s conference is to be held in London in Feb 2012.

This region further notes the conference is very well attended and is growing. It is the lifeblood of the union.

This region further notes that many members the London region have played an active role in the conference over the years.

This region agrees

1/ To offer assistance with arrangement of the conference

2/To offer speakers for the conference

Young Members To Rally In Support Of St Pauls Anti-Capitalism Camp

The recent setting up of the anti capitalist camp in the vicinity of St Pauls in London is part a global movement that is seeking to raise awareness in that the attacks on ordinary working people around the world as a result of the economic crisis is directly the fault of casino styled bankers and it is they who should be footing the bill. Trade Unions have historically been at the forefront of such actions and it is imperative that people identify us as the organised voice of working people.