SFC News - CSM Special: Resist Management Attempts to Split Unity of Station Grades
Submitted by Jared on 6 October, 2017 - 12:13Please download the newsletter and forwrad to CSM members of RMT.
Printed copies are available from Unity House
A regular newsletter specifically for the London Underground stations grade, produced by the RMT Stations Functional Council.
Please download the newsletter and forwrad to CSM members of RMT.
Printed copies are available from Unity House
Download the new SFC News for news on iPads, data abuse and the latest on roster consultations on stations.
RMT reps are dealing with an alarming number of cases where iPads, staff oysters, CCTV and even station evacuation sheets are being trawled to try and find evidence of wrongdoing.
With the imminent roll-out of the roster & coverage tool (RCT), which includes electronic booking on and off the potential for data to be used to discipline you, sometimes long after the event, is alarming.
New SFC News has info on local roster consultation, Recognition of RMT reps & your rights not to attend informal sickness meetings.
Download the newsletter here.
Please download and distribute the new SFC Newsletter.
Please download and distribute the newsletter.
Latest edition of SFC news attached.
please download, print and distribute widely
Plan 325. LUL reveal their proposals for 325 jobs back Our key issues:
Adequate staffing of Control rooms
Reduction in Lone working
POM servicing/ security checks/SATs
Night Tube need more staff
Please distribute the new SFC News
The guarantee of 325 new jobs and all current CSA2s to be promoted to CSA1 is an important win for RMT. We will now seek to ensure all CSA2s get this guarantee going forwards.
Please download and distribute the new SFC News.
Please download and distribute the new SFC News.
Please download and distribute the new SFC News.
This is a historic edition, coming after the most succesful stations strike action ever seen on London Underground.
Prinetd copies are available from Unity House.