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Plan 325. LUL reveal their proposals for 325 jobs back Our key issues:
Adequate staffing of Control rooms
Reduction in Lone working
POM servicing/ security checks/SATs
Night Tube need more staff
Adequate cover levels of staff across the board
There now follows a 4 week consultation period for the RMT to robustly scrutinise how these proposals will resolve our concerns.
SFC reps will need your comments before May 26. Reps contact details below
Control Rooms
Control rooms gain some 21 extra posts. A control room must be staffed by properly trained and licensed LUL grades. Only 6 Control Rooms have been identified.
LUL have left Bermondsey and Southwark out - the RMT maintain ALL Control Rooms should be staffed.
Reduction in Lone working
53 local stations will share 98 extra posts in an effort to reduce lone work- ing. These will be a mixture of CSA1,CSA2 & CSS2 positions, both FT &PT. Local reps must let us know if lone working in your area has not been adequately resolved.
The introduction of CSS2 cross cover turns will negatively impact the amount of cover weeks we have to do, which is detrimental to our work life balance without guaranteed RDs.
POM Servicing/Security checks
Destination & Gateway stations gain about 34 extra posts, mainly designed to reduce the amount of extremes CSA1s have to do. 5 CSA2 posts at Russel Sq. to be upgraded to CSA1. We believe this upgrading of CSA2s should be rolled out across the combine to convert all CSA2s into CSA1s.
Night Tube
The ACAS agreement identified NT required more staff. With only 27 in total -22 CSA1 & 5CSSgrades, local reps must look closely to see if this re- solves the issues.
There is also proposal to share nights between CSMs and CSS`s. We would need to look carefully at this as its like- ly LU would take the opportunity to reduce the number of CSMs on an area.
Adequate cover staff levels
A number of areas will see an increase in numbers to achieve the 37.5% cover level required.
There are 15 areas where LUL have routinely struggled to maintain station cover.
There is also a proposal to have 15 CSS positions to cover maternity leave cover
Consultation period until May 26
We now have about 4 weeks to properly scrutinise these proposals and submit any improvements we can.
Local reps must speak to members and work with the SFC rep who report to their branch to produce detailed sum- maries of what we think is required.
The 5 CSA2-1 upgrades at RSQ and the 6 extra staff on Queens Park areas to cover TVM activities should not form part of the 325 jobs back agreement from ACAS
- Eamonn Lynch's blog
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