Stations Functional Council News February 2019
Submitted by Admin on 4 February, 2019 - 15:08Stations Functional Council News has the latest information for London underground station workers from the RMT.
In this edition:
A regular newsletter specifically for the London Underground stations grade, produced by the RMT Stations Functional Council.
Stations Functional Council News has the latest information for London underground station workers from the RMT.
In this edition:
Stations and Revenue Council News is the newsletter for London Underground station staff.
Please download and distribute it in your workplace and share it online in your
Stations & Revenue Council News is the RMT newsletter for tube workers on stations and revenue.
In this edition, which you can print out for your workplace and share online:
Station Functional Council News is the newsletter for London Underground station workers, produced by RMT activists in the grade.
In this edition:
Please share this newsletter online, and print and distribute it in your workplace.
This special edition of Stations Functional newsletter explains the RMT concerns about the apparent lack of neutrality of PMAs and gives guidance on the action reps should take when in a meeting where a PMA is present. Please share widely and distribute in your workplace.
The June 2018 edition of Stations & Revenue News, focuses on the Elizabeth Line and the increase in workload and detrimental impact on work life balance it will bring if LU's plans to staff it are not improved.
Please download and distribute the newsletter in your wokplace and share it online.
Please download, distribute and share online Stations & Revenue Council News.
Reports are flooding in from across the combine of routine abuse of the Attendance At Work (AAW) policy.
Given these abuses, all local reps are strongly encouraged to appeal any LDI outcome other than “no further action”.Some classic lines to be on the lookout for when repping members at LDIs:
SFC reps have long been demanding a Transfer and Promotional system to end the merry go round of forced displacements and achieve promotional opportunities for stations members. To achieve a fair system, based solely on preference, the following will apply;
CSM & CSS waiting list order;
Please download, print, display and distribute widely.
14 February 2018
325 Jobs Won through Strike Action Now Allocated
« More than 500 Jobs have been won back since the 953 Fit for the future cuts were announced.
« 325 new jobs won by Jan 17 strike will bring big reduction in lone working at worst effected locations.
« Additional jobs plus 54 CSA2 to CSA1 upgrades will help roster balance.