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SFC reps have long been demanding a Transfer and Promotional system to end the merry go round of forced displacements and achieve promotional opportunities for stations members. To achieve a fair system, based solely on preference, the following will apply;
CSM & CSS waiting list order;
The main criteria for determining a person’s position on the waiting list will be when they preferenced the position, subject to using common dates:
1. Preferences that are already in the system prior as of 28th March will be given common preferencing dates as follows;
a. Level grade transfers
b. Promotions (in order of the Promotional Waiting Lists)
2. Preferences (both transfers and promotions) that are submitted following the 28th march and up to and including Sunday 22 April 2018 will be given a common preferencing date of 22 April 2018
3. Preferences submitted after 22 April 2018 will have the date and time that they are submitted.
The CSS Area waiting lists will be made up of all grades of staff who are eligible to preference for
CSS and will be ordered by preference date (or common date if applicable).
The date you entered service and your employee number will be used in the event of a tie-break for numbers 1a, 2&3 above. After the above preferencing cut-off date, we’ll tell you where you are on the list for the positions you’ve preferenced
CSM Waiting List Order
The main criteria for determining a person’s position on the waiting list will be when they preferenced the position, subject to using two common dates:
1. Preferences that are already in the system prior to this bulletin will be given common preferencing dates as follows;
a. Level grade transfers
b. Promotions (in order of the Promotional Waiting List)
2. Preferences both transfers and promotions that are submitted following this bulletin and up to and including Sunday 22 April 2018 will be given a common preferencing date of 22 April 2018 Presences submitted after 22 April 2018 will have the date and time that they are submitted.
CSS’s and CSM’s will only be able to move under preference once every six months, but can be promoted at any time.
Ending their “Interim transfer process” represents a significant improvement for station staff.
From mid April all moves will be based purely on preference and promotional moves will open up.
Staff covering down can only be moved if they preference to do so.
SFC reps will closely monitor the situation and review where necessary.
- Eamonn Lynch's blog
- 5022 reads