Operations Strategic Plan

Your Stations and revenue reps discovered back in June 2009 that LU planned to keep at least 150 vacancies on all groups in an attempt to drive down its staffing costs. Your functional reps challenged this new policy of reducing staffing levels and the lack of any consultation over its strategy and referred the issue to an ad-hoc directors meeting which was ‘swiftly’ arranged some 3 months later!

Talking About Pay at ACAS

Olly Brian and Paul at ACASRMT and London Underground are discussing pay at ACAS today.

RMT hopes that London Underground management take this opportunity to increase their insulting-low pay offer. Your union will ballot members for strike action should LUL's pay offer not give you a decent rise.

Check back to this website for news of what happens at the talks.

RMT Changes Rule - Shorter Qualifying Time for AGM Delegates

Under RMT's rule book, a member could only stand for election as a delegate to the union's Annual General Meeting (AGM) once s/he had been a member for five years. Many union branches felt that this rule was unfair and out-of-date, and submitted a proposal to last Friday's Special Meeting to reduce the qualifying period to three years.

I am pleased to report that, following a lively debate and a close vote, the proposal was passed. Printed below is the speech I made in proposing the rule change, which outlines the reasons and arguments behind the change.


Sign This Petition Against Uganda Death Penalty for Homosexuality

LGBT ugagnda protestPlease see below a petition for our Ugandan brothers and sisters and against the 'Anti-Homosexuality Bill'.

A draft of the "Anti-Homosexuality Bill" was introduced by Ndorwa West MP, David Bahati on October 14, 2009.

Paragraph 3 of the draft bill sets out provisions on what it names as "aggravated homosexuality," which will incur the death penalty, contradicting the global trend toward a moratorium on the use of the death penalty.

Training for RMT Reps


Bob Crow writes ...

I have arranged a series of training courses for our elected representatives that will be held throughout the first quarter of 2010.

The courses are for our reps who have never attended a five day RMT residential before.

Our ‘General Reps Course’ focuses on the role of an RMT rep and cover all the basics including recruitment & retention, providing advocacy at disciplinary and grievance hearings and negotiation.

Cops and Toddlers!

Police officers called to an alleged assault on a member of staff by an angry lady customer at a bakery in Morden, south-west London on saturday 24th october rushed to the scene - by hopping on a bus. Rather than see officers pull up in a police car, the stunned manager watched as a team of officers arrived by public transport. The woman apparently fled the scene, also by bus, before the police arrived.