Finsbury Park branch

Includes all cleaners, plus London Underground station staff on the Victoria Line and from Knightsbridge eastwards on the Piccadilly Line; plus drivers at Seven Sisters and Arnos Grove depots

Finsbury Park Monthly News - April 2010

To read or download the April 2010 edition of Monthly News, click on the attachment below.

In this edition:

  • HOW OUR BOSSES LIVE - Job cuts for us, jackpot pay awards for them
  • EURO DEMO AGAINST RAIL LIBERALISATION - a member's personal report from Lille
  • VOLCANIC ASH - staff stranded by grounded airlines told to lose pay or give up annual leave
  • RMT defends agreements at Arnos Grove depot
  • ASLEF claim credit for sunny weather!

Brixton News 30th March 2010

RMT at Brixton depot has produced a new newsletter for drivers. You can read the text below, or click '1 attachment'/file name to download and print it.

Sacking of Drivers

Over the past couple of months there have been several issues including London underground sacking drivers. We at Brixton have had two this year. One of the issues is a said 96% attendance standard. There is no such figure anywhere. If asked to sign any documents stating any attendance percentage targets, do not! Speak to your union rep.

Finsbury Park Branch Monthly News - March 2010

Read the March 2010 edition of Finsbury Park Monthly News by clicking on the attachment below.

In this edition:

1. Stop the cuts - it's time to fight or die. Editorial explains the truth behind LUL's latest jobs massacre and what we have to do to stop them.

2. All grades to defeat Stations job cuts. A plea to members of all grades to come together and fight for our futures.

Finsbury Park Branch Monthly News - February 2010

Read or download the February edition of Monthly News by clicking on the attachment below.

In this month's edition:

1. Play it safe and keep your job. Valuable advice for all ticket office staff.

2. Are managers immune to company policies?

3. Tetra emissions: Unions seek the truth.

4. Whose stethoscope are you under? LUL managers become doctors!

Finsbury Park branch organisation report 2009

organiseThe Regional Council Secretary wrote to all branches, asking for their assessment of their branch’s work during 2009, and suggesting that they might address the following points:
- whether your membership grew or shrunk during 2009, and why you think this is
- any problems you have had filling reps’ positions within the branch’s area
- how effective your branch was during any industrial action in your area last year
- what recruitment activities you have organised

Finsbury Park Branch Monthly News, January 2010

Click on the attachment to read/download the latest Monthly News.

In this edition:

1. Pay deal: the wages of disunity;

2. Green Park members plan fightback for Mercy Odisi;

3. Lies, damn lies and the missing CCTV - how LUL continues to victimise our Branch Chair, Glenroy Watson; 4. Miscarriages of Justice - members of Birmingham 6, Guildford 4 and Maguire 7 address branch, telling their story and talking about their work today for the Miscarriages of Justice Organisation (MOJO).

Miscarriages of Justice Organisation (MOJO) speaker to attend Finsbury Park branch on January 14th

Finsbury Park branch will be inviting speakers from a range of progressive organisations and campaigns to speak to members every month forthwith as part of an effort to educate and inform members about wider political issues. The first speaker will be Paddy Hill from the Miscarriages of Justice Organisation who spent 16 years behind bars for a crime which the police and government knew he had no part in. Paddy will be speaking at the Twelve Pins public house at 6pm after the regular branch meeting.

Call for Special General Meeting on Legal Services

scales of justiceFinsbury Park branch passed the following resolution at its Annual General Meeting, requesting an RMT Special General Meeting about legal services, and has submitted it to the Regional Council for support. For the union to call such an SGM, other branches also need to support it. Stratford no.1 branch has already voted to do so. The Regional Council Executive endorsed this resolution on behalf of the Regional Council at its meeting on 9 February 2010.