Finsbury Park branch

Includes all cleaners, plus London Underground station staff on the Victoria Line and from Knightsbridge eastwards on the Piccadilly Line; plus drivers at Seven Sisters and Arnos Grove depots

Finsbury Park Branch Monthly News - Special Issue on Industrial Relations Crisis on Finsbury Park Group

As a consequence of some appalling local management on the Finsbury Park Group, our branch has published a special edition of Monthly News to highlight what has been going on there. Click on the attachment to download a copy and read all about it.

Censored! Company Bans Freedom of Expression at Finsbury Park

In a pathetic display of petulance, management on the Finsbury Park Group have ripped down two important notices from RMT notice cases. Apparently acting on instructions from no less than the company’s Employee Relations Manager, Gerry Duffy, management tore down the October issue of Monthly News and banned its circulation to staff on the group on 23rd October. Then, on the 26th, they removed from notice cases a report by local Reps of a Level 1 meeting held with management that same day.


Bosses on the Victoria Line have been forced into a u-turn over their recent attempts to impose 5-rounder turns on the line. A standing agreement that there would be no 5-rounder turns on the line because of its hot and noisy environment was ripped up by local management who had hoped to be able to squeeze more work out of their drivers. These plans are now in shreds as a result of drivers’ threat to strike on for 24 hours on 5/6th October and to work to rule in the week leading up to the strike.

Management Out of Control - But Finsbury Park Members say ‘Enough is Enough’

Finsbury Park managers are lashing out against grievances and harassments against them by fed up RMT members who say “enough is enough”. One member has been so traumatised by the harassment that they suffered they have been sent back to LUOH counselling after a fact finding interview 8 months after the incident. A culture of fear and threat has been imposed on the most vulnerable members to assert control but it has backfired and members are united that they shall take it no more.

One Rule for Us...