Finsbury Park branch

Includes all cleaners, plus London Underground station staff on the Victoria Line and from Knightsbridge eastwards on the Piccadilly Line; plus drivers at Seven Sisters and Arnos Grove depots

Finsbury Park branch financial report


Balance 31st December 2007 £4238.84

INCOME March Allocation £3065.13 June Allocation £3184.00 Sept Allocation £2892.50 Other income £8410.05 Total Expenditure 31st December 2007 to 31st October 2008 £17954.50

Projection: Expenditure: 1st November to 31st December AGM £1500 Officer Salaries £190 Branch Food £100 Sundries £1900 (Including the annual report mailing)

INCOME December Allocation £3000

Expected end of year balance £3246.02

Station supervisor conference re cleaning issues

This resolution, submitted by Finsbury Park branch, was passed at the October 2008 meeting of the Regional Council

This branch notes the concerns expressed by our station members about the effects of the cutback on station cleaners on cleaners' workload, levels of cleanliness and attendant health and safety issues.

We call on the regional council to organise a meeting of station reps and supervisors to discuss this issue.

Call For Delegation to Durban II

This resolution, submitted by Finsbury Park branch, was passed at the October 2008 meeting of the Regional Council

United Nations World Conference Against Racism (WCAR) Review Geneva: 20 – 24th April 2009 “Call for delegation to DURBAN II”

The UN World Conference Against Racism Review process is currently taking place and a second round of preparation meetings will be held on the 6th to 17th October 2008.

The main review will be held from 20 – 24th April 2009.

Around the depots: Arnos Grove

From 'RMT On The Trains' newsletter, August 2008

  • Local reps have negotiated a pool operators’ rest day roster to be introduced in early October.
  • Local management had been denying first aiders the chance to update / refresh their certificates. Following discussions, local reps have now negotiated a u-turn by management; first aiders will now be given the opportunity to keep their first aid skills up to date.

Piccadilly Line Dust Up

From 'RMT On The Trains' newsletter, August 2008

Senior RMT Officers and Piccadilly Line Trains reps met with Management a few weeks ago to demand an end to intimidation and for LUL to keep to their agreed policies on attendance and discipline. One of the key issues was that Instead of looking at each attendance case properly, Management started to dish out the maximum warnings on every occasion. We threatened to pack up on the Picc if this continued. A satisfactory agreement was reached and this will be reviewed in the near future.