RMT Young Members Camp London 19/10/12

RMT Young Members Camp

With Young members coming down to London from all over the UK for the TUC October the 20th demonstration- ‘A Future that Works’ the young members decided to set up a camp in the grounds of Maritime house, Clapham Common.

Young members are in the business of breaking down barriers which prevent young people getting involved in activities which are central to them. Our regional young member officers and your young member representatives on the national young members advisory committee had said that the biggest barrier to young member participating in the demo was the cost of accommodation in central London. So setting up a camp where young members could rock up, have a spot of dinner with like minded young people by a blazing camp fire and have a bed for the night for free made complete sense.

The camp was set up by young members in the London region and was pretty hard going in the pouring rain but a few minutes before the camp opened for visitors the rain stopped and the temperature increased. The evening was successful, we had young members come from a variety of workplaces, one of our members even brought some of her home made beer for us. It was also a good opportunity to tie up loose strings for the demo the next day.

This was the first time the union has done anything like this and we have shown that it is possible to do and hope due to its success we will be able to do this again possibly in the summer of 2013, next time with a BBQ and a live band? We’re open to suggestions.

Young members are full of great ideas and have a vocal group of young representatives in its advisory committee which will ensure ideas become a reality. No idea is too farfetched and we will continue to push boundaries and play an important role in directing our union.

Jayesh Patel
RMT London Transport Region Young Members Officer
RMT National Young Members President