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RMT LUL 'Olympic Safe Staffing Levels Dispute' Statement

In response to LUL’s statement given on Thursday 5 July at 16:00 at ACAS, RMT is not arguing about the use of ICSAs working on stations alongside established staff. We are, however, totally opposed to ICSAs being counted towards minimum numbers for keeping a station open or for evacuation purposes.

On 2 April 2008, Gerry Duffy, LUL’s Director of Employee Relations, signed an agreement with RMT and TSSA which clearly states that the minimum staffing level for each station is:
Station Supervisor(s) and [number] London Underground station staff fully trained, qualified, licensed and familiarised to a minimum of CSA level.

LUL has now decided, on the eve of the Olympics, to renege on this agreement by insisting on counting ICSAs (admin staff – some from TfL – with minimal training and not qualified to CSA level) towards minimum numbers.

The breaking of the current agreement by LUL has massive implications for staff and customers, threatening jobs and passenger safety.

LUL has given RMT no option other than to continue to defend the public, safety, jobs and agreements by balloting our members in all grades for action short of a strike.