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4th May 2022
Dear Colleagues,
As you are aware, following the successful ballot of all LUL Train Operators late last year, you and your colleagues took part in solid industrial action and members on the Central and Victoria lines have continued to take action each weekend to date.
However, due to the anti-Trade Union laws, the current ballot mandate is due to expire again. The National Executive Committee congratulates all Train Operator members for their steadfast opposition to the imposition of Night Tube duties and has taken the decision to conduct a re-ballot over this issue, which remains unresolved.
Ballot papers will be posted out to you on Wednesday 11th May, and the closing date of this ballot is Tuesday 7th June. Please vote as soon as you receive your ballot paper to make sure that we can continue to stand firm against the unacceptable breaches of our agreements and imposition of Night Tube duties.
If any member does not receive their ballot paper please contact us by calling the freephone Helpline on: 0800 376 3706, or by emailing: info@rmt.org.uk.
I will keep members informed of developments.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Lynch
General Secretary
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