London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Video: RMT Regional Organiser on upcoming Tube strike

As RMT gets ready to strike on London Underground on the 1st and 3rd of March, to defend our jobs, pensions and agreements RMT regional Organiser John Leach says:

"The rmt has stood up and will continue to stand up and fight for what is right. That is why we are taking strike action, there can be no further delay."

Watch the full video here.

Defending jobs, pensions and agreement: now is the time to act


Further to my previous Circular (IR/017/22, 19th January 2022), extensive consultation has taken place and RMT Reps from all grades have fed back the strength of feeling amongst members over the planned attacks on jobs, pensions and working arrangements.

RMT Upfront: strike action called

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground train operators from the RMT Trains Functional Council.

This edition looks at the reasons RMT has called industrial action in our dispute over jobs, pensions and agreements.

Please download the attached newsletter to read more. You can also print it out and distribute it in your train crew accomodation.


Strike action called: RMT will not sit back while TfL and the Department for Transport implement cuts

strike flag

London Transport union RMT announces strike action as LU refuses to give assurances on jobs, pensions and working conditions

LONDON TRANSPORT UNION RMT confirmed that members will be taking strike action next month over LU’s continuing refusal to give assurances on jobs, pensions and working conditions in the midst of an on-going financial crisis driven by central Government

The announcement comes in the wake of a recent ballot of over ten thousand members across all grades of LU staff with 94% of members voted to strike.

The action will be taking place as follows:

RMT seeks confirmation as deputy mayor says drivers will not have to work Night Tube

Ahead of further strike action, RMT seeks urgent clarification on Deputy Mayor’s claim that “It is not the case that drivers will have to work a night shift”

TUBE UNION RMT has today written to London Mayor Sadiq Khan seeking urgent clarification of comments made by Deputy Mayor Seb Dance on Monday in which he clearly stated that “It is not the case that drivers will have to work a night shift” and that “where a [Night Tube] driver wants to swap a night shift for a day shift that will be possible”.

Tube industrial action called

19th January 2022

Dear Colleagues,



As you will be aware, your RMT Reps attended a meeting last week to discuss the solid mandate for action which you and your colleagues returned in the recent ballot. Following further discussions with level 2 reps in each function, the National Executive Committee has considered this matter and taken the decision to call industrial action as detailed below.

Night Tube strike continues as LU block ACAS progress

Next phase of Night ‎Tube strike action goes ahead as LU block progress at ACAS this week

LONDON TRANSPORT UNION RMT said today that the next phase of Night Tube strike action goes ahead from the evening through to the early hours of Sunday after LU bosses blocked an attempt by RMT negotiators to make progress in ACAS talks this week.