Funding Cuts
We are appalled by the Chancellor's announcement of a 9% funding cut to the Department for Transport, including a 12.5% funding cut to Transport for London. This savage cut can only lead to attacks on jobs, conditions, service standards and safety on all TfL services: London Underground, London Overground, buses, DLR and others.
We believe that the union should not wait for the detail of these cuts to be announced, but should launch a campaign now, building on our previous work and based around:
- building unity between London's transport workers and passengers
- promoting a positive alternative vision for London transport - well-funded, accessible, reliable, adequately staffed
- recruiting and organising workers to fight these cuts
- defending every job and opposing every cut
- protest actions and political lobbying
- providing regular information to members
- involving branches and members in shaping our strategy
- industrial action when appropriate.
We condemn the announcement that London Overground is to scrap Conductor Guards and offer our full support to our London Overground workmates in fighting this.
Service Control Corrective Action Plan
The Jubilee south branch believes that the implementation of the Corrective Action Plan within Service Control is both unjust and is being used to circumnavigate the disciplinary process. It is nothing more than a warning issued outside the ACAS codes.
The CAP has been introduced without consultation and their is no standard process. Each line uses their own criteria, it is flawed for the points mentioned below while the list is not exhaustive it highlights the issues that members are concerned with.
- Members are not allowed representation at any stage.
- Members cannot appeal any CAP
- CAPs have been sited in LDI’s and CDI’s to show a ‘history of poor performance’
This branch requests that the London Transport Regional Organiser approaches LUL with the intention of stopping the issue of CAPs forthwith and then to set up a JWP where the concept and implementation can be considered and agreed.
ISS Cleaners
This region notes ISS' use of immigration raids on cleaners, including the disgusting act of calling cleaners to ISS head office for an 'award' which turned out to be an immigration ambush.
We note that these tactics coincided with RMT's successful recruitment drive in the run- up to action over biometric fingerprinting amongst other issues.
We note that immigration busts have led to several members being deported while many others have left the job in fear. This has led to a considerable drop in membership levels.
This region resolves to organise a systematic recruitment drive amongst all cleaners on the ISS cleaning contract: all locations, all shifts. The scale of the task of rebuilding the membership and the relatively small number of reps on ISS means that resources need to be provided by the Region, in terms of activists and money.
There was an additional motion passed at the LTRC which you can view here if you are logged into this site.
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