London Overground Safety And Security Staff Balloted For Strike Action In Bullying Dispute

TRANSPORT UNION RMT confirmed today that security and safety staff employed by STM Security Group on London Overground services will be balloted for both strike action and action short of a strike this week in a dispute over bullying and an attempt to impose new terms and conditions.

STM are contracted to provide safety and security services on London Overground stations.

Despite several warnings from RMT, management at STM Security Group have continued to bully and intimidate our Travel Safe Officer member’s and union representatives.

Furthermore, the company are now making changes to our members contracts of employment and terms and conditions without any consultation or agreement with RMT. As a result of the appalling treatment our members have endured, a ballot for industrial action has been called by the RMT executive.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

“The bullying and intimidation of our members’ representatives by STM Security is utterly deplorable and represents a pre-meditated assault on this trade union in a desperate attempt to try and undermine RMT’s growing strength on this contract.

“The attempted imposition of new terms and conditions is just another element contributing to the picture of a company that is hell bent on confrontation with its workforce and their union.

“We are urging members to return an overwhelming ‘YES’ vote in favour of strike action and industrial action short of a strike in the ballot that kicks off this week with voting closing on Thursday 18th October. RMT remains available for talks aimed at resolving this dispute.”

> RMT National News

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