Third runway a grave mistake for the environment, says RMT

RMT press release, issued today

Union will continue to campaign for sustainable high-speed rail

BRITAIN’S BIGGEST rail union will continue to campaign for high-speed rail as the sensible and sustainable alternative to the massive and unnecessary Heathrow airport expansion announced today.

Giving the runway the nod has undermined the crucial challenge to reduce carbon emissions and has set back the achievement of a modern transport network that would serve the environment and the economy into the future, says RMT

High-speed rail is the solution to Heathrow problem, say unions

RMT press release, issued today

INVESTMENT IN a high-speed rail network with a hub serving Heathrow would make a third runway at the airport unnecessary and provide an environmentally friendlier alternative to tens of thousands of short-haul flights, a group of unions say today.

High-speed rail would create tens of thousands of jobs – including at Heathrow – and would provide a cleaner option than airport expansion, say RMT, ASLEF and PCS.

Support Mary's Campaign!

Click '1 attachment' or file name below to download a leaflet/poster.

ISS CLEANERS! Stand up for your RIGHTS. SUPPORT Mary’s Campaign

Injured at work, refused annual leave, no sick pay, booked off duty without pay, sacked, reinstated, then sacked again

Replying to LUL Management about Attendance

Here are my thoughts on the responses given by management to issues the union raised about attendance. In summary, I'd say that although management's responses may help us put a stop to some of the worst abuses by local managers, they staunchly defend the company's intention to treat sick staff very harshly (to say the least). We need to step up our battle to prevent our members being treated like this, and to demand rights for sick staff.

Length of warning ‘up to’ 26/52 weeks

London Underground Sickness Issues: Management's and Unions' views

RMT has raised many issues with London Underground management about the way that the company treats staff who are off sick. Several of them are listed here, with the union's view and management's response. This summary is provided by London Underground management.

Issue - Length of warning ‘up to’ 26/52 weeks

Trade Union Line - Insufficient / no discretion being applied

Finsbury Park Branch

Welcome to the RMT Finsbury Park Branch No. 0543

We Welcome and represent all RMT members on the Victoria Line & Piccadilly Line North ( Knightsbridge to Cockfosters). This includes Train Drivers, depot staff,Station and Revenue Control staff in our area.

Additionally we represent most cleaning grades members throughout London Underground.

The branch meets on the first and second Thursday of the month at 4pm very close to Finsbury Park station. We meet at The Twelve Pins, 263 Seven Sisters road, London N4 2DE

Is the Opening of Brixton Depot the start of a train side SRT?

The opening of a new depot you think would always be a good thing because of the employment of more drivers to staff it, and giving other grades the opportunity to progress if they wish to become a driver, and therefore strengthens the job and the need for train drivers, but the question we have to ask ourselves is, would this indeed be the case with the opening of Brixton and the subsequent plans on the opening up of more new depots across the combine.

TUC Spokesperson Addresses Demonstration Against Israel's War on Gaza

Speech to London Gaza Demonstration Sally Hunt, TUC international spokesperson

10 January 2009

The trade union movement unreservedly condemns this illegal war on the people of Gaza. We join the United Nations in calling for an immediate ceasefire.

Our government and the EU must pressure Israel and Hamas to end this war. No more bombs, no more murder, no more excuses.

The TUC - and the six and a half million workers we represent - demand that our government and the EU takes the action needed to force an end to the terror. They have the power. We urge them to find the will.

One Cleaner Rep Saved, One Sacked - RMT Continues The Fight

Background information here.

The good news is that the case against Clara was thrown out.

The bad news is that Mary's dismissal was upheld for the second time. The first time round, she was sacked in her absence, when despite giving ISS her address, to which they sent her P45, they claim to have sent the first notice to her old address, stopped her pay because she did not respond, then sacked her!

RMT representative Pat O'Brien got her reinstated. He then represented her at the next hearing, when she was sacked again

Membership Updates


Hi everybody
My name is Nick Smith,i am the membership secretary for RMT Neasden 1070 branch.
This is a reminder to all members (new/old,rejoins,transfers in/out )i would like to ask for your help.
Please could all branch members check the RMT site (if possible)to make sure that all your membership details are up to date and correct.

You can email me with updates of your membership information by clicking here