Discussion meeting: How the financial crisis affects you

Meeting for RMT members: Saturday 17 January, 11:00-14:00 Venue: RMT headquarters, 39 Chalton Street NW1 (nearest stations: Euston and King's Cross St. Pancras)

The Financial Crisis: How will the recession affect jobs, wages and pensions?

Speakers: Jared Wood, RMT Plus a speaker from the Wall Street Journal

Organised by the National Shop Stewards' Network

RMT Women's Conference 2009

RMT's annual Women's Conference will take place this year in Newcastle on Friday 6 and Saturday 7 March, and several women from RMT's London Transport region will be attending. Please join us!

The conference is open to all women members: you do not have to be a rep or branch officer to attend, you just need to get your branch to agree to you being a delegate. The branch should then pay your expenses.

In his letter to activists promoting the conference, General Secretary Bob Crow says:

First e-mail newsletter from RMT London Calling website


This is the first e-mail newsletter from RMT London Calling, the website of RMT's London Transport Regional Council.

As this is our first one, please forgive any mistakes. If you do not wish to receive any more of these newsletters, you will find instructions on how to unsubscribe at the end of this message.


Click out these links for new material on the site:

This Week's Protests Against Invasion of Gaza

EMERGENCY DEMONSTRATION SUNDAY 4 JANUARY 2.00 PM ISRAELI EMBASSY, KENSINGTON HIGH STREET Following Israel's ground invasion, an emergency demonstration has been called for Sunday, 4th January at 2.00 pm. (Nearest tube High Street Kensington).

DAILY PROTESTS AT THE ISRAELI EMBASSY There will be daily protests at the Israeli Embassy from Monday 5 January to Friday 9 January, at 5.30 pm - 7.30 pm.

NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION: SATUDAY 10 JANUARY The national demonstration on Saturday 10 January is planned to march to the Israeli Embassy.

RMT Black and Ethnic Minority Members' Conference

RMT's national Black and Ethnic Minority Members' conference takes place on 16th/17th March 2009. London Transport Regional Council is hosting the 2009 conference, and invites branches or individual members to attend the conference and come to the planning meeting.

Planning meeting: Monday 5th January, 18:00, Bernie Grant Centre, Tottenham, London N15.

If you are interested in taking part, please ring or text Glenroy on 07956-133450.

RMT suspends DLR action as disputed roster is withdrawn

RMT press release, issued today

INDUSTRIAL ACTION by Docklands Light Railway control-room staff scheduled to begin on January 5 has been suspended by Britain’s biggest rail union after Serco-Docklands withdrew rosters it had intended to impose, pending further talks.

RMT members in the DLR control room were scheduled to begin a work-to-rule and overtime ban after voting overwhelmingly for both strike action and action short of a strike, and the union had indicated that it would ballot its entire DLR membership in the New Year.

End the slaughter in Gaza, says RMT

Below is RMT's press release, issued today. You can read more about RMT's policy and campaigning in solidarity with Israeli and Palestinian workers by clicking here.

ISRAEL MUST end the hideous slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, transport trade union RMT said today.

Condemning Israel’s indiscriminate bombing of civilians, RMT added its voice to the growing world-wide demands for an immediate end to its illegal and inhuman military operations and urged support for emergency demonstrations.

Arab Construction worker killed and 9 wounded as missile hits Israeli city

WAC-MAAN is the Workers' Advice Centre (Ma'an in Arabic) which works to unite Israeli and Palestinian workers, and which RMT supports. It has issued this press release about the appalling current events in Israel and the Palestinian territories, and has asked RMT to circulate it.


WAC-MAAN – Nazareth www.wac-maan.org.il

Press release: December 30, 2008

Arab Construction worker killed and 9 wounded as missile hits the Israeli city of Ashkelon on Monday

Time to end private rail fares rip-off, says RMT

RMT press release, issued today

Ministers have never tested value of public-sector alternative, union reveals

THE TIME has come to end the ‘great rail-fares rip-off’ and sack the privateers responsible for a ‘legalised scam’ that has made private shareholders rich at the expense of passengers and rail workers’ jobs, Britain’s biggest rail union says today.