Defend the right to strike rally and action planning meeting

Dear Colleagues

Defend the right to strike rally and action planning meeting

The government has launched an attack on our rights. Their actions will destroy our fundamental right to strike.

Strike Map and a collective of other organisations are inviting all workers, union reps and branch officers to join a collective rally and action planning meeting as we together resist and defeat this latest anti strike legislation.

The Defend the right to strike rally and action planning meeting takes place on:

Protect the right to strike - national day of action

Protect the right to strike! What we do next - TUC Organising Call and date for National Day of Action

On Monday thousands of trade unionists and workers descended on the UK Parliament to protest the Conservative Government's draconian new anti-strike Bill and send a clear message to the Government that we will relentlessly fight this fundamental attack on our democratic and human rights to withdraw our labour.

I would like to thank each and every one of you that turned out for the Emergency Demo and for the continued support of those that couldn't make it.

Protect the right to strike - Sign the Petition

Last night thousands of trade unionists and workers descended on Parliament to protest the Conservative Government's draconian new anti-strike Bill and send a clear message to the Government that we will relentlessly fight this fundamental attack on our democratic and human rights to withdraw our labour.

I would like to thank each and every one of you that turned out for the Emergency Demo and for the continued support of those that couldn't make it.

EMERGENCY DEMO - Protect the right to strike

EMERGENCY DEMO - Protect the right to strike - Monday 16th January 6PM - Opposite 10 Downing Street

This week the Government tabled legislation that launches a fundamental attack on our democratic and human rights to withdraw our labour. The Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill will give the Secretary of State for Business the power to set Minimum Service Levels of staffing following “consultation” across six different sectors including Transport, Health, Fire and Rescue, Education, Nuclear and Border Security.

District Centre and Bakerloo South cover group action announced

Dear Colleagues,


Further to my previous Circular (IR/288/22, 23rd December 2022), our Piccadilly & District West Branch and our Bakerloo Line Branch submitted resolutions regarding the imminent imposition of job cuts and worse rosters on Station Areas. Both Branches requested an overtime ban to fight back against the detrimental effect these cuts will have on members' work/life balance.

TfL pay update



Further to my previous Circular (IR/217/22, 18th October 2022), further meetings have taken place at ACAS and the full and final offer now received from the Company is as follows:

· A 4% consolidated base pay increase, backdated to 1st April 2022

· A 4.4% consolidated base pay increase, effective from 1st April 2023

Defending jobs, pensions and agreements update







Further to my previous Circular (IR/275/22, 15th December 2022), members recently retuned another solid vote for the third time in this dispute, which has now been ongoing for over a year. The National Executive Committee has congratulated all members for their steadfast determination to see this matter resolved and defend your jobs, pensions and agreements.




Video: regional organiser Jared Wood explains why your vote is so important

29th November 2022


To all members on London Underground, 

Please make sure that you have posted your ballot paper back in our re-ballot in defence of Jobs, Pensions and Agreements.

Hear your regional organiser, Jared Wood, explain why it is so important to vote by clicking the video link here:

Yours sincerely,


Michael Lynch

General Secretary

Disabled People for Free Trade Unions: TUC Disabled Workers’ Conference Fringe Meeting 2022

These are the opening speeches from this event, held on Zoom on Tuesday 22 March 2022.


Sarah Woolley (General Secretary, Bakers’, Food and Allied Workers’ Union): Welcome to the joint RMT and Free Our Unions TUC Disabled Workers’ Conference fringe meeting.