East Ham branch

Includes London Underground station staff from Embankment eastwards, drivers at Upminster and Barking, revenue control based at Whitechapel, and service control at Upminster

Meeting called to debate train prep schedule changes


The following resolution has been received from our East Ham Branch:-

“This branch notes the very dangerous intention by LU to change the train preparation schedule from every 24 hours to every 96 hours. London Underground are saying that this is as safe as 24 hours. No safety related submission has been provided to back this up. The company will effectively be running a train service with a large percentage of its train service unchecked for four days at a time.

TfL Pensions Fund Elections

TfL Pensions Fund Elections


Elections for the pensions Consultative committee


It’s that time again when there are elections for staff representatives to sit on the pensions committee to keep an eye on our money.


The voting paperwork is now out and the main thing is we need to get the right people on there with the experience and knowledge to look after our money in the proper way, and to keep an eye on what LUL and the government are trying to do with our fund.


LTRC Training - Anti Trade Union laws 25/5/17 - 1300-1500

London Transport Regional Council training day 25 May 1300-1500 at the 12 Pins Finsbury Park 

New anti Trade Union laws came into effect this year and we need to train our reps and activists in how the new laws will affect our ballot results. Equally important is how we organise to overcome the hurdles set by the Government.

The course will be held at 12 Pins, Finsbury Park on May 25 1300 - 1700

To secure a place please contact Eamonn Lynch, Janine Booth or Petrit Mihaj.