
All LTRC Newsletters and regular bulletins

RMT Upfront: ACAS Update

Upfront is the London Underground train drivers' newsletter from the RMT. In this edition we respond to some of management's misleading claims over our 'abolition of Night Tube grade' dispute, and also there's is an ACAS update which follows the latest meeting which was on the 21st of July.

Please download the attached newsletter to read it. You can also print and display it in your depot.

Upfront Newsletter July 2021 Strike Special

  • Please download the attached newsletter and display it in your depot.


The RMT has announced strike dates in our dispute over the abolition of the Night Tube grade. RMT demanded LUL pause their attack on our members jobs and work life balance but it has unfortunately fallen on deaf ears.

A packed meeting of driver reps and members agreed that the only option now is to name industrial action to bring LU management to their senses.

ABM Cleaners News: we can win in-house employment

- download the attached leaflet and display it wherever ABM Cleaners work on London Underground

Why join RMT?
To win change, we need to unite in a collective organisation. Our strength is in numbers. TfL and ABM cannot run the job without us: it’s cleaners - not senior managers - who ensure stations, trains, depots, and office buildings are safely cleaned for other staff and passengers to use every day. Joining a union is the best way of organising our collective power.

RMT Upfront Health And Safety - June 2021

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground train drivers, produced by the RMT activists.

This edition focuses on health & safety issues:

  • ‘Flash n Dash’ Plan Rehashed?
  • Secure Cabs

Please download the attached newsletter to read more, and print, display and distribute it in your train crew accommodation.

Tier 2 Stations news: stay safe in the hot weather

Whilst the company believes wearing a pink hi vis contributes something to customer service, in this hot and humid weather it can in fact contribute detrimentally to your health, safety and wellbeing.

Knowing your rights as a worker is vital!

The Health and Safety at Work Act, The Workplace Health Safety and Welfare Regulations, and The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations protect workers against employers who
put your safety at risk.

Bakerloo News May 2021

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for workers on the Bakerloo Line, from activists in the RMT Bakerloo branch.

Please download and distribute it in your notice case and share it online.

In this edition:

  • Resounding vote for action over Queen’s Park job cuts
  • Stand firm in jobs fight
  • Defend Night Tube jobs! 
  •  Step up the pressure in cleaners’ fight
  • No rushed return to 'business as usual'
  • Defend detrainment duty times
  • Oppose the Police Bill. Defend the right to protest




Upfront H&S News May 2021

RMT Upfront H&S contains all the latest health and safety news for London Underground train drivers.

In this edition:

  • Management waking up to fatigue concerns

  • Bond Street CCTV trial creates more problems than it solves

  • Lateral Flow testing for Stock Training

Please download the attached newsletter for the latest information.


Bakerloo News April 2021

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for workers on the Bakerloo Line.

Please download it to read the latest news from the Bakerloo branch. You also print and distribute it in your workplace.

In this edition:

  • Vote yes for action to stop cuts
  • Queen’s Park drivers resist bosses’ job cuts plan
  • Why vote yes?
  •  RMT women organise
  •  Our target: cleaning in house by 2022
  •  RMT BEM Conference