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- RMT Upfront is the newsletter for train drivers on London Underground, from the RMT. Please download, print and distribute the attached newsletter in your train crew accomodation.
London Underground RMT members will be taking industrial action in our Jobs, Pensions and Agreements dispute on the 21st of June which coincides with the National Rail strike of 40k members in various jobs and grades up and down the country. As the only transport union to have taken industrial action to defend our pensions on London Underground, this upcoming action will be part of the biggest rail strike in living memory.
Pensions threat is clearer now
Tube management have made no guarantees on pensions, following the publication of a report that models scenarios which could mean a 1/3 cut in the money we were promised in retirement. If anything, the threat to our pensions is now clearer. LU seem to think that claiming ‘any change is potentially years away’ will satisfy members. Small consolation if you don’t retire for 20 years. The reassurance is meaningless. Fewer jobs means less paying into the pension pot too, making negative change even more likely.
Jobs threat to ALL grades
Senior management have made it clear the axe will fall on all grades. We’ve seen their plans to slash 600 station jobs which they calculate will save around £25 million, but they are looking to save half a billion pound, so we are clearly all at risk. Right now 5 rota lines are being taken out at Upminster and the spectre of “managed decline” and massive attacks on our terms and conditions are a real possibility. Look no further than London Buses with the obliteration of hundreds of jobs showing what “managed decline” means for transport workers. We can prevent this by demanding proper funding for the Tube. Only sustained industrial action with deliver this by, demanding the government funds TfL properly.
LUL all grade strike details
All members on London Underground are instructed to take strike action and not book on for duty for any shift commencing between 0001 and 2359 on Tuesday 21st June.
NT strike action continues
With LUL refusing to reach any reasonable settlement with the RMT, strike action continues for NT shifts on the Central , Jubilee and Victoria Lines. Northern and Piccadilly Lines are likely to follow, with all options including escalation of the strikes, being considered.
Massive mandate for NT action as sell-out AGAIN firmly rejected by the members
Our members on the Night Tube lines told London Underground exactly what they think of the hastily cobbled together sell out of their work life balance with the 8 hours fatigue inducing turns and returned a resounding YES vote in the recent ballot on the 5 NT lines. This represents an increase in the YES vote with a very respectable 64% taking part in the ballot with 88% of those taking part voting YES. Its time for LUL to negotiate seriously to resolve this dispute.
RMT members stand united and keep up the great work.
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