Further to my previous Circular (IR/523/20, 23rd December 2020), the following resolution was received from our Jubilee South Branch:-
“Jubilee South Branch notes the report into TfL finances, commissioned by London Mayor Sadiq Khan and we have the gravest concerns on its content and conclusions. The report proposes smashing up our pension along with further attacks to jobs and conditions as well as an unacceptable reduction in the transport service we provide to London.
We demand that London Mayor Sadiq Khan clearly rejects the attacks detailed in the report, and further call on the union to make a similar demand.
While we can expect Tory led attacks on workers' rights, terms and conditions and theft from our pension pots, it is wholly wrong for a Labour Mayor to not reject these plans outright.
This Branch asks the NEC to put LUL and TfL on notice that any attack on our jobs, pay, pensions or other terms and conditions will be met with a ballot for the strongest industrial response.
We also call on the Mayor to distance himself from any attacks on the essential workers London so relied on during the pandemic to keep London moving. We were never convinced clapping us on a Thursday was ever genuine, but more a public self serving show of dishonest duplicity. Proposed attacks like this suggest our fears were correct. Our members will not pay for the pandemic with their jobs, terms and conditions. Not one job loss. Not one penny off our pensions.”
This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has welcomed the resolution and shares the Branch's outrage at the content of the so-called 'Independent Panel Review'. The NEC has called on the London Mayor to give an assurance that the recommendations of the report will not be acted on and also gave its full support to the campaign of the LTRC for full funding of TfL/LUL and the defence of jobs and conditions.
RMT has also advised TfL/LUL at the highest level that any attempt to attack members' jobs or conditions will be met with industrial action. I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.
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