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Further to my previous Circular (IR/08/15, 12th January 2015), the ballot papers for all London Underground Train Operator and Instructor Operator members were posted out on Monday 26th January and the closing date for this ballot is Tuesday 10th February 2015. If any member has not received their ballot paper, please ask them to call the Freephone Helpline number on 0800 376 3706 as soon as possible so a replacement can be sent.
I urge all members to ‘VOTE YES FOR STRIKE ACTION’ to send the strongest message to the Company that we will not tolerate this blatant and clear cut case of victimisation against an RMT member with 29 years’ unblemished service on the job and are prepared to stand together and fight for justice for Brother McGuigan. As well as demanding the immediate reinstatement of our unfairly dismissed member, we must make sure that all other members are protected from suffering similar treatment in the future. Any decision which brings a life-long career to its end must be made with proper consideration of all factors, including any mitigation as provided in this case.
As always, RMT remains available for discussions to resolve any industrial dispute but in this case, talks at ACAS broke down due to the complete failure of the management side to engage with Union Officials. Our offer to call off the previous strike action by members at Morden Traincrew Depot in return for a commitment that the company would honour any employment tribunal decision to reinstate Alex McGuigan was also rejected.
I will of course keep you advised of all further developments.
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