Further to my previous Circular (IR/169/16, 15th June 2016) I received correspondence from the company after I advised them of a dispute situation arising as a result of it failing to provide the required assurances to protect members’ pay and terms and conditions. However, the company said it would carry on with the implementation of the Job Descriptions and failed to mention your union’s three demands to enable discussions. Namely, No redundancies, wages to be protected and all staff moved would be in consultation and with RMT agreement.
Subsequent correspondence from the company provides for a three month protection of earnings, but the main issue remains that the process has not been halted.
The National Executive Committee has noted these matters and has instructed me to organise a meeting of our Interserve reps on LUL to discuss the proposals outlined in the Interserve correspondence and to use such a meeting to discuss our formal response to the company. I will keep you advised on this matter following the meeting.
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