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London Underground has re-tendered the contract to provide catering services at staff canteens to Sodexo, until 2023. The contract tendering process included an explicit request from LU to deliver “efficiency savings”. This means: job cuts.
Sodexo plans to cut a number of jobs across the contract, at every location, equivalent to 18 full-time positions. RMT opposes these cuts. We are fighting to ensure no Sodexo worker loses their job, has their hours cut, or loses any money.
Cuts will have a detrimental impact not only on Sodexo workers, but on directly-employed London Underground and other TfL staff and contractors who use the canteens.
Everyone who works for London Underground should be employed by London Underground. We believe catering services should be taken in house and all catering workers employed directly by LU, on LU terms and conditions. We have taken the demand for direct employment to the highest level, by making representations to the Mayor of London. Sodexo know very well that workers’ action can defeat outsourcing. Recent strikes by Sodexo workers in the United Voices of the World union at St. Mary’s Hospital in Paddington succeeded in winning direct employment, on NHS contracts, for 1,000 cleaners, caterers, porters, and other workers.
RMT will campaign at every level to defend and extend workers’ rights. We will continue our negotiations with Sodexo and communicate our ongoing opposition to planned cuts. We will support all individual members with representation and advice. And we will step up our political campaigning against outsourcing on London Underground. GET INVOLVED Get involved with your union by attending your local branch meeting.
Find out when and where your branch meets by ringing 0800 376 3706.
If you are interested in becoming an RMT union rep, please get in touch.
For more info, see and follow @RMTLondon on Twitter.
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