Guidance For Train Operators On The Use Of ICSAs For SATs Duties

Leaflets have been created to give advice to London Underground drivers on what actions to take when Incident Customer Service Assistants (ICSAs) are working on platforms carrying out SATs.

RMT believes that ICSAs are not adequately trained to carry out this safety related role. Their deployment on the paid side of stations also breaches a casualisation agreement reached between the RMT and LUL in 2008.

You can download the leaflet below. Local Reps should also have copies to distribute. For more information speak with a local rep or get in touch with us.

Guidance for RMT train operators on the use of ICSAs for SAT duties

Members may be aware that there have been numerous reports during the Olympics of staff in plain clothes and Hi-Vis performing Platform Train Interface (PTI) duties normally reserved for fully qualified, uniformed and experienced CSAs. These staff have been designated Incident Customer Service Assistants (ICSAs) and following a dispute in 2008 it was agreed with LUL that these staff should only be deployed on the non paid side of the barrier. Their deployment during the Olympics was therefore in breach of this agreement and it is our belief that SAT duties are safety- related, and therefore the use of these staff with bare minimum training is both unagreed and has potential safety implications. Your union is raising this issue with LUL at the very highest level but in the meantime the guidance overleaf may assist you if you have any concerns. And remember, if you have any concerns, consult your RMT rep, or call the RMT members’ FREEPHONE helpline for advice.

  1. Should you have any concern about the suitability of staff performing PTI duties at stations you should first of all contact the line controller and ask that they make contact with the station supervisor to query the grade and suitability of that member of staff performing the duty. The train should be secured and line control should ensure that trains do not stack up in tunnels behind whilst this information is sought.
  2. You should make a PA to the effect that the train is being held for a short while to ensure that safe procedures are carried out.
  3. If the controller confirms that the member of staff is a fully licensed CSA then platform duties should be carried out immediately and you should depart the station.
  4. If the controller confirms that the member of staff is an ICSA then you should ask him to ensure that the station supervisor puts out a staff PA requesting the ICSA to stand well clear of the PTI and not to obscure your view.
  5. Once this has been done then you should carry out your normal platform duties and depart the station.
  6. At the earliest possible time you should record this incident in your notebook and leave a note with or contact your rep with details of the incident so the union can keep a record of these occurrences.

Read more about RMT's casualisation dispute with London Underground here