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The Docklands Light Railway was all but shut down this morning as RMT members began 48 hours of strike action. Workers on the DLR are taking action over a number of issues including misuse of agency workers, attempts at undermining workers with casualisation, a creeping culture of bullying and intimidation of staff and the breach of agreements.
RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:
"Our members on DLR are rock solid in their action this morning and I want to pay tribute to their unity and determination as they fight to defend safe operational practices and the basic principles of workplace justice.
"Pickets have been out in force and it's now time for Keolis Amey to recognise the sheer strength of feeling on the shop floor and to get round the table for meaningful talks that address the raft of serious issues at the heart of this dispute.
"The disruption caused by the shutdown of DLR this morning is entirely down to the intransigence of the KAD management and now it's time for them to stop the posturing and start talking. "
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