Central Line West Branch organising to defend Sanjeev Verma

Central Line West Branch is considering all options available including industrial action over the horrendous treatment of long standing member, Sanjeev Verma in his recent Company Disciplinary Interview (CDI).

Sanjeev, a member for over 20 years was dipped from Train Operator to CSA 2 for a incident that he fully cooperated with and one that he immediately reported once he realised his initial mistake. 

LUL have a process for dealing with such incidents called the "FAIR" process. 

The "FAIR" process if used correctly would have had this incident dealt with under a sensible approach like a Correction Action Plan (CAP).

Sanjeev has never been involved with a incident like this before that ended at a CDI and a permanent downgrading to a CSA2 for an incident that he was honest throughout and fully cooperated  with.

This miscarriage of Justice needs to be put right.

RMT have today submitted a formal appeal and will await the company response, but will remain on stand by to escalate if common sense nce doesn’t prevail.