TfL no.1 & LU MATS branch

Welcome to TfL No.1 branch's webpage. The branch represents and organises TfL workers in TICC, Oyster and TIC, and LU Managers, Admin and Technical services. It also represents individual members in the rest of TfL. For more information please contact the branch secretary or branch chair. Please come along and get involved - you will be made very welcome! You will need to sign in to read branch meeting minutes.



Poster: Agency Workers Know Your Rights

If you are doing the same job as permanent staff then you have the right to join the RMT. A poster has been created by TfL branch for union noticeboards to get this message across to agency workers in the transport industry.

Reps - please print out and display on relevant noticeboards with you name and contact details.

Join the RMT and get protected.

You can join us and your colleagues by clicking here.

TfL No1 Branch Newsletter - Why We Are Taking Industrial Action.

From TfL No1 Branch Secretary Linda Wiles. You can download the original version of the newsletter which is attached below this article

"Management aren't treating us with the dignity and respect we deserve by trying to break existing agreements"

Recognised members in Travel Information Call Centre, Travel Information Centres, all areas of Oyster, Lost Property Office & Customer Services voted 63% in favour of strike action and 77% in favour of action short of the strike.

This is a decisive mandate for industrial action and a clear message that TfL RMT members will fight to defend their current terms & conditions and for the fair and decent reward they deserve for the additional Olympic and Paralympic workloads.

Central TFL Staff To Take Action Over Olympics Recognition And Reward

“The hypocrisy of TFL managers, who stand to hit the bonus jackpot during the Olympics while offering...staff virtually nothing, stinks like a sack of rotting fish." - Bob Crow

STAFF WORKING directly for Transport for London are to take strike action and action short of a strike over the total and abject failure of the organization to offer any kind of meaningful recognition and reward for the huge increase in workload and pressure arising from the extended Olympics period and for attempting to impose changes to working conditions and a unilateral ban on annual leave in some departments.

After an overwhelming vote for action RMT has instructed members to take industrial action as follows:

TfL Staff To Take Industrial Action Over Olympic Working Dispute

Branches are advised that the recent ‘Yes’ vote in the above ballot has now been considered by the General Grades Committee and has made the following decision:-

“In accordance with the wishes of our TfL no.1 branch, we instruct members to take industrial action as follows:

  • not to book on for any duties starting after 21:30 on Sunday 1st July 2012, returning to duties starting after 21:30 on Monday 2nd July 2012

TfL Pay For 2012

The current TfL pay deal ends this April. TfL bosses are yet to respond to RMT's claim for the ongoing year.

The general grades committee has decided the following:

We note with disappointment that despite the current pay settlement for TfL staff expiring on 1 April and RMT having submitted a new claim, TfL management have not yet convened talks to discuss a new pay deal.

We instruct the General Secretary to contact TfL and insist that these talks begin as a matter of urgency. It is not acceptable for the date a pay settlement is due to pass without talks having even started.

RMT Reps in TfL No.1's area, 2012

Senior Industrial Representatives
Maria Taylor (TICC, Pier Walk)
Karen Fay (TICC, Pier Walk)
Andre Ashman (Oyster, Pier Walk)
Steve Poole (TIC, Liverpool Street)

Local Industrial elected Reps
Paul Rutland (RNC, Kings Building)
William Childs (CSEP, Buckingham Palace Road)

TfL Health & Safety
Karen Fay (senior rep) (TICC, Pier Walk)
Peter Wicks (TIC, Liverpool Street)
Sarah Hicks (LTM, Covent Garden)
Paul Rutland (RNC, Kings Building)

TfL Union Learning Reps
Joanne Parry (lead rep) (H&S, Palestra)
Maria Taylor (TICC, Pier Walk)


TfL No.1 Branch Post Holders 2012

2012 branch post holders were elected at the 2011 branch AGM on Monday 12 December:

  • Branch Secretary: Linda Wiles
  • Branch Chair: Paul Rutland
  • Vice Secretary: Duncan Delvin
  • Vice Chair: Joanne Parry
  • Membership Secretary: Emma Linacre
  • Champions:
    • Age: Roy Carey
    • Black & Minority Ethnic: Andre Ashman
    • Disabilities: Maria Taylor
    • Environment: Dawn Smith
    • Health & Safety: Karen Fay
    • LGBT: Joanne Parry
    • Political: Steve Poole
    • Training: Linda Wiles
    • ULR: Joanne Parry
    • Website: Emma Linacre

2012 Branch Meetings

Branch meetings are held upstairs in the Blue Eyed Maid pub on Borough High Street, nearest Tube stations are London Bridge & Borough. Meetings start at 5pm.

Meetings dates in 2012 are
Monday 16th April
Monday 14th May
Monday 11th June
Monday 9th July
Monday 13th August
Monday 10th September
Monday 8th October
Monday 12th November

The branch's Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 10 December and all branch officers will be elected for 2013.