RMT Upfront

An archive of 'RMT Upfront' newsletters


RMT up front December issue 25

Attached is the latest edition of RMT Up front. This edition focuses on the Ballot for action short of strike action on the Bakerloo and Central lines and gives a report on the RMT's dispute over working on Boxing Day. Main stories follow:

Bakerloo and Central Line drivers: Vote YES for yours and your passengers safety

Bakerloo and Central Line drivers will be receiving ballot papers for action short of strike action over London
Underground’s detrainment

RMT up front October 2012

RMT Up Front Oct12Click on the attachment to see the latest issue of RMT Up front, the newsletter for RMT drivers on London Underground.

This issue leads on LU's proposals for driverless trains and the union's ballot for action of our test train operators, a report on TBTC working on the Northern Line, and a report on live safety issues from the Trains Health & Safety Council.

Issue 21 RMT Up front

Click on the attachment to see the latest issue of RMT Up front, the newsletter for RMT drivers on London Underground. This issue focuses on the deal reached by RMT for our driver members. Main stories follow:

RMT wins gold for drivers

Talks at ACAS have achieved a breakthrough for RMT drivers on London Underground. The union’s General Grades Committee and LU have agreed a settlement which will mean that all RMT drivers will get a £500 bonus and £20 a day just for coming to work during the Olympics and Paralympics. There is also the £100 CSS bonus. The monetary payments for our drivers in this deal involve no agreement with the RMT to breach frameworks.

Issue 20 RMT Up front April 2012

Click on the attachment to see the latest edition of RMT Up front.
Main stories follow:

Still no deal for RMT drivers working the Olympics

Ongoing talks at ACAS for working during the Olympics have so far failed to reach any agreement.
The union has been clear all along that we will not agree to alterations or breaches to the Framework Agreements for the Olympics.

Issue 19 RMT Up front January 2012

Click on the attachment to see the latest issue of RMT up front, the newsletter for drivers on London Underground. This issue features articles on Driverless trains. the Olympics and the Trains Functional Council.

Main stories follow:

Driverless trains: LU plan to evict us from our ‘office’

Apart from the debate about what the Boxing Day ‘dispute’ was all about and whose idea it was, the main chat in mess rooms around the combine in the lead up to Christmas was the leaked plans which LUL have for us in the shape of driverless trains.

RMT up front, issue 18, November 2011

Click on the attachment to see the latest issue of RMT up front, the newsletter for drivers on London Underground. This issue features articles on LU's 'operational vision', Olympics 2012, and LU' misuse of the drug and alcohol policies.

Main story follows:

Unite against ‘Driverless trains’

Management’s plans for your future have now been fully exposed thanks to the diligence of your Union.

RMT Upfront September '11 Edition

In this edition

ASLEF/LU Olympics “deal” turns out to be a marathon for drivers.

To the shock of every driver on the combine the ASLEF/Management alliance has cooked up behind closed doors a so called ‘Olympics deal’. At the heart of this deal is the ripping up of our hard earned driving parameters that form our Train’s Framework Agreement. In essence, ASLEF/Management want to run a 21st Century railway with 19th Century terms and conditions.

Download the attached pdf to read the latest edition, or if you have a modern browser you can see it by clicking 'read more.'

Strike for workplace justice!

The RMT train grades committee has produced a new RMT up front. Click on the link to download it. Articles follow:

Strike for workplace justice!

The RMT has called all drivers out on strike action next week for the reinstatement of Northern Line driver Arwyn Thomas (see overleaf for details).
Arwyn was sacked because he has for 30 years represented RMT members and has loyally argued the union’s corner in the workplace.
He was sacked because LU have been found out as an aggressive anti trade union employer and are targeting reps and activists to undermine union organisation on the tube.