LUL Service Control

News, reports and information for London Underground service control staff

Motions Passed at Regional Council Meeting July 2013

Funding Cuts
We are appalled by the Chancellor's announcement of a 9% funding cut to the Department for Transport, including a 12.5% funding cut to Transport for London. This savage cut can only lead to attacks on jobs, conditions, service standards and safety on all TfL services: London Underground, London Overground, buses, DLR and others.

We believe that the union should not wait for the detail of these cuts to be announced, but should launch a campaign now, building on our previous work and based around:

RMT To Ballot If Signal Irregularities Aren't Fixed

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd, and note that pressure applied by this union appears to be making the company take this matter more seriously.

However, we do not accept that mitigations make this situation safe or acceptable, and insist on it being rectified.

Having spoken with our representative, we note that Thales is due to carry out a new ‘software drop’ over the first weekend in March. If this does not resolve the problem to the satisfaction of our representative, we will ballot our members for industrial action.

RMT Believes LULs Upgrade Programme Used As A Pretext To Attack Jobs

Further to our decision Gww 8/1/13, we note the report from our representatives' meeting held on 25 January.

We note that London Underground's Upgrades programme has a significant impact on many of our members, including providing a pretext for LUL management to attack jobs and conditions. It is therefore essential that we mobilise all our relevant representatives to work together in unity to secure the best possible outcome for our members and for the future of London Underground.

Broadsheet Created For Campaign Against Job Cuts

The RMTs new broadsheet 'We Can Stop Job Cuts' for the London Transport Region, is now available for distribution in workplaces. The RMT's London Region acting Regional Secretary said "Please could representatives make arrangements for collection accordingly for direct distribution into workplaces in accordance with the General Grades Committee’s decision. When you come, you will find a collection sheet and you are asked to put your name and workplace on it just so we know where the papers have gone.

Signalling Irregularities At Neasden Depot

We note the resolution from our Neasden branch and share our branch’s concern at London Underground Ltd’s failure to compel its contractor, Thales, to repair signalling irregularities at Neasden Depot.

This is not an acceptable way for the company to conduct its upgrades, not only causing problems for our members at work but also potentially endangering both staff and passengers.

Regional Council Meeting Report November 2012

This is a synopsis of the report given by the London Transport Region Executive Member Janine Booth to the London Transport Regional Council Meeting on 29th November 2012.

To get more details please try and attend your branch meeting or regional council - your rep should have more information too. Alternatively this site has lots of information and material for workplaces in the London Region.



We Intend To Stand Firm. We Intend To Stand Our Ground. We Intend To Fight All Job Cuts

From General Secretary Bob Crow
A resolution was received from our East Ham Branch was as follows: -

“We note TfL’s determination to bulldoze through further job cuts on London Underground (LU) and we note previous duplicitous statements by senior LU managers that customers and staff should be assured that all LU stations will continue to be staffed at all times and all stations with a ticket office will continue to have one.