LUL Service Control

News, reports and information for London Underground service control staff

Victory at Waterloo

Signallers on the Waterloo and City are celebrating a victory today, LU refused to recognise the unique controller duties they performed and classified them as the lowest grade signal operator.

After months of unrest LUL have caved in and agreed to regrade the staff at Waterloo to Service Controller Waterloo and City, increase their pay to 40k (The 40k figure is based on the fact the control room staff will not work night duties or Sundays) and back date the pay claim to the 1st April 2008.

LUL Renege on Agreement

Signallers on the Waterloo and City Line were promised a regrade in July to reflect the duties carried out , a senior LUL manager recommended a regrade and produced a report to that effect. 'LUL have ignored it and refused the request'.

Discussions continue however it appears that management are spoiling for a fight!

SCL2 jobs at risk

LUL have announced plans to introduce a new grade within service control, this role will replace the old Line Information Assistant and the multi functional SCL2 role on the central, jubilee and Bakerloo Lines.

It is proposed that Line Information Specialists will disseminate information to staff, contractors and the public however SCL2's will be expected to cover this duty as and when required.

LUL have intimated if the unions do not agree this change will be imposed, 30 plus Service Controller two positions ar at risk.

Representation in service control grades

This resolution, submitted by Stratford no.1 branch, was passed at the October 2008 meeting of the Regional Council


Due to recent changes and anomalies in the representation of controllers/service managers within Service Control, this branch requests that the regional council adopts the following rule changes as a workable temporary arrangement until the time that the executive can produce a new set of rules.

As local representatives do not exist in the Controller/Service Manager grades within Service Control.

Service Control Victimisation

by Kebba Jobe, RMT health & safety rep, LUL service control

In February, Jo Duffy was re-elected RMT representative, but his local Service Control Manager refused to recognise his position, despite the fact that a local rep had been negotiated for Jubilee line service control eight years previously and they had recognised me when I was the rep for five of those years!