
Still a minority in a tradtionally male-dominated industry, RMT women are organising against sexism and for our issues to be heard

ETF Women's Committee, March 2015: Section Reports


The Social Dialogue Committee for Ports had adopted a document about women's employment, including recruitment and working conditions for women. Women's employment has increased as technology has led to much port work becoming less physical.

Now the document has been adopted, it needs to be implemented. The strategy is based on raising awareness and changing the image of port work rather than on imposing quotas. Some trade unions have objected to this initiative, as they see women as "taking men's jobs".

ETF Women's Committee meeting, March 2015: Campaigning for Health & Safety and Against Violence

The European Transport Workers' Federation's Women's Committee meets twice per year to discuss issues facing women transport workers across Europe and to drive forward the programme of work agreed by the four-yearly ETF Women's Conference.


RMT National Women's Conference 2015

The RMT Women's Conference 2015 will be held on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th March 2015 at THE OAK HOTEL, ORCHARD STREET, WIGAN WN1 3SS. This conference will be celebrating 100 years of organising women. RMT Neasden Branch is entitled to nominate a a maximum of 4 delegates.
Any branch members who are interested in attending this conference will need to contact the branch secretary by the next branch meeting date which is 28th January 2015.

Report part 1: ETF Women's Committee meeting, October 2014 - The Committee and its Campaigns

An ETF Women’s Committee meeting consists of the elected Committee members, representatives of each sector (railways, civil aviation, etc), guests from affiliated trade unions, local women trade unionists (this time, from Antwerp port), and ETF staff. At the next meeting, we will be joined by the newly-elected young women’s representative. I have proposed that RMT arranges for our National Women’s Advisory Committee Chair, Becky Crocker, to attend the next meeting, in March 2015.


Women’s Health and Safety at Work

Report part 2: ETF Women's Committee meeting, October 2014 - Women Port Workers

Women Working at Antwerp Port

Having begun working as a receptionist in 1975, Monique Verbeeck is the first female secretary of the Belgian port union, BTB. She is also the ITF and ETF women port workers’ representative. Monique introduced a deputation of women union activists from the Port of Antwerp, who addressed the meeting and took us on a visit to the port.

A DHL worker told us that port working is no longer entirely a “man’s world”, although it is still male-dominated.

Report part 3: ETF Women's Committee meeting, October 2014 - Country and Sector reports

Country Reports


From 2007, the socialist government introduced equality legislation and a framework to demand action against sexism and harassment. But since then, the situation has been worsened by economic crisis, with equalities driven off the agenda, curbs on collective bargaining, crèches closed, and equality plans dropped.

There has been a “dualisation of the labour market”, a split between secure workers and precarious workers, who are harder to unionise.

RMT To Celebrate United Nations Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women

The RMT Women's Committee has organised an evening of speeches and music to coincide with the United Nations Day For The Elimination Of Violence Against Women, 25th November.

This is a free event open to all members - both women and men.

Should you plan on attending, for the purposes of making the necessary catering arrangements, please let our Equal Opportunities Officer know at j.webb [at] rmt.org.uk.

RMT Women's Lunch

The monthly RMT Women's lunch will be at the Southbank centre (nearest station Waterloo).
This is open to all women members from all regions so if you can make it please join us!
It's an informal occasion usually lasting til 4pm or so. Southbank centre has inside and outside seating. Where we are will depend on the weather! The venue does have a cafe/bar but it's pricy. They also allow you to bring your own food and drink - I will supply some juices and snacks, but feel free to bring wine/sandwiches/whatever!