The Social Dialogue Committee for Ports had adopted a document about women's employment, including recruitment and working conditions for women. Women's employment has increased as technology has led to much port work becoming less physical.
Now the document has been adopted, it needs to be implemented. The strategy is based on raising awareness and changing the image of port work rather than on imposing quotas. Some trade unions have objected to this initiative, as they see women as "taking men's jobs".
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) Code of Practice on safety and health in ports is being revised to incorporate women's issues.
The second annual report on women and rail has been published. It is based on questionnaires to employers affiliated to the Confederation of Railway Employers, and more have responded than previously.
The proportion of railway workers who are women is slowly increasing, now standing at 20%. The lowest rate is among train drivers, only 2% of whom are women - in some countries, 0%!
Employers have to plan and implement active measures to increase the proportion of women railway workers.
There has been a significant spread of agency and temporary work, especially among women groundstaff and cabin crew.
The ETF civil aviation section is carrying out a project on stress at work, including violence. It wishes to make a film similar to that made by the maritime section.
The ETF inland waterways section will meet next week, and will ensure that women's issues at covered in its report.
There are two ETF Youth meetings each year, and the young workers' committee has four teams, including one which works on the issue of gender equality.
The young women's representative is particularly enthusiastic about our campaign about violence against women transport workers.
- Janine's blog
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