
Still a minority in a tradtionally male-dominated industry, RMT women are organising against sexism and for our issues to be heard

Resolution: Women and War

This resolution, submitted by Camden No. 3 Branch, was passed by RMT Women's Conference 2009.

That this Conference believes that all organisations engaged in assisting women victims of war (including rape and violence against women) should join together with a view to organising a day as a counterpoint to WW1 Armistice day in November.

These organisations should arrange and take part in a ceremony that would symbolize the suffering of women in conflict at the women’s memorial in Whitehall.

Resolution: RMT Know Your Rights Guide - New and Expectant Mothers

This resolution, submitted by Piccadilly & District West Branch, was passed unanimously by RMT Women's Conference 2009.

That this Conference believes that employers routinely abuse the rights of pregnant workers.

We welcome the decision of this Union to produce a ‘Know your rights’ guide for pregnant and expectant mothers as suggested by our women members BUT are very disappointed that it has not yet been produced!

We trust that the RMT will be producing this guide as soon as possible!

RMT Women's Conference 2009: deadlines extended


Further to Circular No. NP/154/08, 27th November 2008, I am writing to remind Branches and Regional Councils of the importance of nominating women members who wish to attend the above Conference. I also wish to remind you of the importance of submitting motions for inclusion in the agenda.

Please note that the deadline for submission of nomination forms and motions has been extended to Friday, 13th February 2009.

RMT Women's Conference 2009

RMT's annual Women's Conference will take place this year in Newcastle on Friday 6 and Saturday 7 March, and several women from RMT's London Transport region will be attending. Please join us!

The conference is open to all women members: you do not have to be a rep or branch officer to attend, you just need to get your branch to agree to you being a delegate. The branch should then pay your expenses.

In his letter to activists promoting the conference, General Secretary Bob Crow says:

Government Puts Flexible Working Rights Extension On Hold

This resolution was unanimously agreed by RMT's National Women's Advisory Committee on 11 November, having been submitted by Bakerloo and Central Line West branches. It will now go to the union's Executive for their consideration.

This union is appalled at the announcement by Peter Mandelson that the government's plans to extend flexible working rights to parents of all children under 16 have been put on hold due to the economic crisis.

Menopause - working through the change

The TUC has produced a useful guide to issues surrounding menopause. If you are going through 'the change', or if you are an RMT rep, you will find it useful to download and read this document to check your rights and what allowances management should be making for you.

To download it, click on the file name below.