London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT to re-ballot 10,000 Tube and TfL workers over jobs, pay and breaches of agreements

RMT press release, issued today

THE TUBE’S biggest union is to re-ballot nearly 10,000 members across London Underground and Transport for London for strike action in separate disputes centred on jobs, pay and breaches of disciplinary and attendance agreements.

The re-run of the strike ballots follows a provocative legal challenge by LUL to ballots last month, which nonetheless showed a rock-solid five-to-one majority in favour of action.

Company Forums

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It has come to my attention that forums such as the Jubilee line open forum seem to be springing up unannounced and for the most part unwanted.

These forums have not been agreed by any trade unions to my knowledge and certainly not the RMT. Management have in past sought to undermine the union by having meetings with individuals and groups who have no place in the agreed machinery of negotiations.

Willesden Green Post Industrial Action Report

Happily, the industrial action between Wednesday 8th April and Thursday 9th April 2009 was a success.

Particular thanks go to the many managers who somehow found time in their “busy and demanding schedules” to keep seats warm at various stations. As a result, this freed staff taking industrial action to:

· Hand out thousands of leaflets to thousands of travelling customers informing them of the harassment, intimidation and bullying to which staff on the Willesden Green Group are subject.

Ballot Result - Jobs, Pay and Justice Disputes - LUL and TfL


Q1 Are you prepared to take strike action?

Number Voting Yes 3,165 Number Voting No 619

Q2 Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Number Voting Yes 3,495 Number Voting No 266


Q1 Are you prepared to take strike action?

Number Voting Yes 71 Number Voting No 15

LUL Pay Talks Report: No Movement From Management

Yesterday (2 April), RMT and other unions' representatives met with London Underground to discuss your pay. Your representatives at the meeting were Oliver New (Council of Executives), Steve Hedley (Regional Organiser) and Janine Booth (Stations & Revenue Council / Regional Council Secretary).

A full report will follow. In summary:

  • LUL did not revise their offer at all.
  • With February's RPI at 0%, LUL's offer is 1% this year, followed by RPI only for the next four years.
  • All the unions rejected this.
  • RMT and TSSA insisted on a one-year deal only.

The Fight Starts Now!

London Underground and TfL have taken industrial relations to a new low with their recent disgraceful pay ‘offer’: RPI +1% this year, followed by RPI + nothing for the next four. This ‘offer’ follows a period in which LUL has abused and misused the Attendance at Work Procedure in order to harass and penalise staff who have suffered illness or injury. And the company’s latest plan is to renege on the ‘jobs for life’ agreement which was made at the time of the enforced introduction of PPP six years ago, opening the way for wholesale job cuts.

LUL Disciplinary Hearings

From RMT official circular IR/86/09, dated 17th March 2009

It has come to my attention that LUL management have changed the way they conduct disciplinary hearings (CDIs). They have started to routinely involve a PMA, or People Management Advisor to the CDI. In our view the PMA is not independent but is part of the Management team. This effectively adds a third person to the disciplinary panel and is therefore outside the LUL disciplinary procedure as well as a change to existing practices.

Why RMT is Balloting for Industrial Action

From Steve Hedley, Regional Organiser

Dear brothers sisters and comrades

We are facing several attacks from the employers right now and we have had requests for strike ballots on no compulsory redundancies, pay, breaking of agreements and failure to carry out meaningful consultation. Having discussed the issues the Council of Executives has agreed that a ballot will be conducted on LUL and coordinated with a ballot on TfL.The issues for the LUL ballot are: