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London Underground cleaning contractor ISS are trying to renege on the commitments they made at acas last year regarding the use of biometric bookin on systems. Although the RMT never agreed the use of biometric booking on, Iss gave the RMT assurances as they pushed ahead with it's implementation regardless of the opposition from their workers . We are demanding the company stick to their assurances on this matter . The RMT is prepared to enter a dispute if necesary - the union will also go to ACAS to resolve this issue.
ISS Renege On Biometric Use
The company stated that the imposed biometric system would be used to book on at the start of duty and book off at the end of shift. The company are now going back on their word by insisting that you must touch in and out at every station.
This was never agreed by your Union.
John Leach, RMT Regional Organiser, has immediately registered a complaint with the company about this unacceptable instruction. We will end up with the company tracking every movement as they wish. It will be used to pressure and bully people into doing extra work.
We believe it will be used as a back door disciplinary offence and a time and motion measure in preparation for 24 hour running of the tube system.
Telephone 0207 387 4771.
RMT weekly rate for cleaners is £1.28 per week.
If you want to put a stop to this practice we need to stand together. The only way to stand up and oppose this draconian measure is through your union the RMT. Don’t listen to those who undermine the efforts made by your union. Where the RMT is strong in membership we can make changes and be effective in all areas and workplaces.
Anyone who thinks ISS LU cleaners would have the London Living Wage without the pressure put on by the RMT is not living in the real world.
Online Payslips
The law is quite clear. Under Section 8 of the Employment rights Act, 1996, anyone who wants their pay slip printed out for them should be provided by the company with a proper itemised payslip.
Failure by the company to provide this breaches the Act and can be subject to a complaint to an employment Tribunal.
If you have problems with this or other workplace issues contact the RMT.
The RMT can only help, advise, support and represent RMT members. We cannot help non-members.
Every ISS cleaner needs the support and backing of their union. Don’t try to go it alone. Our strength is in
our numbers. We have fully trained and experienced reps who represent you and negotiate on your behalf when problems occur.
To join your union, RMT, click here to join online. Telephone 0207 387 4771.
RMT weekly rate for cleaners is £1.28 per week.#
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