Resolution: Trains Representatives Numbers

This resolution was passed by the February Regional Council meeting.

This Regional Council instructs the Regional Organiser and the Trains Functional Council representatives to enter into negotiations with LUL to revise the numbers of local trains representatives. This revision to be in line with the documentation provided by TFC member Vaughan Thomas and discussed at the Train Grades meeting held on January 6th.

Supporting information:

Rally and Lobby of Parliament in Fight to Stop Axing of 1500 Safety Critical Rail Maintenance Jobs

A rally and lobby of parliament will take place on Wednesday of 27th January 2010 in the fight to stop the axing of nearly 1500 safety-critical maintenance jobs by Network Rail. A timetable for a national ballot for industrial action by rail maintenance staff will be confirmed shortly.

The severe weather conditions this week have underlined the importance of having proper staffing levels on the rail network with reports that some of the transport problems have been worsened by a shortage of crew to de-freeze tracks and points – and that’s before Network Rail push through a further 1500 job cuts.

Neasden Flyer - January 2010


Happy New Year!! 2010 will show the fight still goes on....

Please Find Attached the January Edition of 'The Neasden Flyer'
Inside this issue
Solidarity for Sacked Supervisor - Willesden Greens Strike
Scrooge vs Oliver
Proud to be Neasden Branch - Your Branch Badge is here!
Are your details up to date??

Miscarriages of Justice Organisation (MOJO) speaker to attend Finsbury Park branch on January 14th

Finsbury Park branch will be inviting speakers from a range of progressive organisations and campaigns to speak to members every month forthwith as part of an effort to educate and inform members about wider political issues. The first speaker will be Paddy Hill from the Miscarriages of Justice Organisation who spent 16 years behind bars for a crime which the police and government knew he had no part in. Paddy will be speaking at the Twelve Pins public house at 6pm after the regular branch meeting.

Southern Stations

Welcome to the ten former Southern station staff.

In this RMT newsletter, we invite you to join the union, and in doing so you will be making your views and opinions known and addressed.

In the coming weeks, RMT reps from other areas on the LOROL network will be visiting the stations to talk about the benefits and reasons why you should join RMT.

In the meantime, if you have work-related issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me, Ken Duffy: my number is available from the Supervisor at New Cross Gate.

London Overground staff: Have Your Say on Pay

Concerning the next pay deal … As you are aware, negotiations are due to start in the new year. RMT would like to hear your views and ideas on the pay deal, so please let your local rep know your feelings about what the final outcome should be.

For example, do you want a one-year deal, or two? On stations, would you be willing to work until later times for a bigger pay rise?

We think your views count.


dashboard graphicA proposal from management is to micro-manage station staff and other grades by introducing the customer service ‘dashboard’. Staff are already audited on a daily basis on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Your union reps were consulted on Dashboard but were uneasy on how far it will go and how much management expect from frontline staff.

One rep writes …