Neasden branch

Welcome to the Neasden Branch page of RMTLondonCalling

Please ensure that you sign into this website, as information such as branch meetings and newsletters are held in the members only area

Metropolitan Line and Jubilee Line North Branch (Commonly known as Neasden Branch) is responsible for members at 34 Stations, 4 Train Crew Depots, 2 Service Control Rooms, 5 Signal Cabins and 2 Revenue Control Depots.

Click here for contact details for industrial and safety reps and branch officials.

Click here for the link to the PDF of the branch dates for 2017.

Membership Updates


Hi everybody
My name is Nick Smith,i am the membership secretary for RMT Neasden 1070 branch.
This is a reminder to all members (new/old,rejoins,transfers in/out )i would like to ask for your help.
Please could all branch members check the RMT site (if possible)to make sure that all your membership details are up to date and correct.

You can email me with updates of your membership information by clicking here

Service Control Victimisation

by Kebba Jobe, RMT health & safety rep, LUL service control

In February, Jo Duffy was re-elected RMT representative, but his local Service Control Manager refused to recognise his position, despite the fact that a local rep had been negotiated for Jubilee line service control eight years previously and they had recognised me when I was the rep for five of those years!

Defending Jobs Together

by Jared Wood, RMT rep, Rickmansworth group

We remain in dispute over the enforced transfer of five CSAs from Rickmansworth group.

RMT’s strike action was extremely well supported. 70% of turns did not book on; 25 members picketed. Several TSSA members and even non-union staff observed the strike.

LUL is picking local disputes with station staff in an attempt to demoralise us by facing these down. At some point they will attempt a major cut in station staff numbers. This must not be allowed to happen.