Hammersmith and City Line branch

Includes London Underground staff of all grades on the Hammersmith and City Line

H&C Branch Meeting Today @ 1500hrs

You are reminded the H&C Branch Meeting will be taking place today, Wednesday 1st March 2023, as usual at 1500hrs. See the attached poster for further details.

Among important issues to discuss are:

  • The upcoming Strike Action on the 15th March
  • Stations Rostering Issues and potential to enter into Dispute
  • Locking/Opening Up of unmanned stations (particularly on the Ladbroke Grove Group)

Your Level 2 & Tier 2 reps will be available to give a report and answer any questions you may have.

All members welcome.

IMPORTANT- H&C February 2023 Branch Meeting CANCELLED

IMPORTANT- The Hammersmith & City Branch Meeting is CANCELLED on the 1st February 2023.

This is due to lack of available Branch Officials. The Secretary is unavailable, and the assistant Branch Secretary has had to leave London at short notice, and also there is a National Rail Train Drivers strike on the same day.

We wouldn't usually cancel a meeting just because of a different TOC taking strike action, and this decision has not been taken lightly, but combined with the unavailability of Branch Officials we have been left with no option.

Branch Meeting 27th July

Your Branch Officials have made the decision to make tomorrows Branch Meeting, 27th July 2022, a Hybrid Zoom meeting. This is due to the National Rail strike affecting some TOCs.

We understand some members and reps who live outside of London would struggle to attend. Therefore we will use a laptop to make the meeting Hybrid. 

Hammersmith & City Branch Meeting Changes- July & August 2022

Due to availability of Branch Officials and the Summer Holidays, the next Branch Meeting will be on Wednesday 27th July at 1500hrs. There will be NO meeting in August. Branch Meetings will resume to the regular slot, of the first Wednesday of each month at 1500hrs, from Wednesday 7th September 2022.

Meeting dates:

H&C Branch Meeting and Kings X I/R Rep Election

This is just a reminder that the Hammersmith & City Branch Meeting meets tomorrow (6th April 2022). This is at the Dolphin Public House, Kings Cross, from 3pm- all Branch Members are welcome!

You are reminded that there is an election taking place for the position of Industrial Relations Rep, at Kings Cross (LUL) Station. The two candidates are:

-Grant Cox

-Chris Mortimer

Both candidates will be given the opportunity to make a short address and a Q&A will then follow. This will be followed by the vote which will be in person only at the meeting.


Hammersmith & City Branch Members are advised to stand firm and are instructed to NOT report for Duty during the strike period.

See the newsletter attached for further details or advice.

Contact your Local Rep or Branch Officials for further information.